Velaryon Family/Aeravon

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Lord Aeravon Velaryon in Unger during high winter.
Status: Alive
Continent: Beluaterra
Realm: Northern Kingdom of Thalmarkin
Class: Hero
Title: General of Thalmarkin
Count of Rafferty
Weapon: Greatsword named Winterthorne
Religion: Frozen Gods
Unique Items: Cruel Ring of Sartania
Shield of Battle
Realms Served: ¤

Northern Kingdom of Thalmarkin

Lordships Held: ¤

Margrave of Yipinalke
Margrave of Unger
Count of Rafferty


Member of the Laenorran branch of House Velaryon. A child of Laurentius the Gilded, brother to Swenja and half-brother to Monford.

Appearance and character

Aeravon is tall and powerful in appearance. Due to his height he makes a very towering, almost arboreal presence. His voice is very sonorous and deep, fitting for a man that comes from the north even though his Madinan accent often gives away his heritage. He has grey eyes, long raven-black hair and a strong jaw. In battle he is usually armored in black scales and wields a greatsword Winterthorn. During high winter he wraps himself in wolf's fur.


Notable events

Sanguine Order
Northern wastelands
On the trail of the Old Gods

Notable battles

Pomatim charge