Perdan Pride Index/Issue 4

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PerdanShield.jpg Perdan Pride
1 Gold Perdan's Pride Since Whenever it Came Out! 4th Issue
Perdan's First Newspaper!
Battles End in Evacuation for Itorunt and Ibladesh Forces...
Since the most recent wave of Perdan attacks, it seems to be nothing but success. But, that leaves some wondering, just why is this so easy? Let's go over the facts...

First, Perdanese and Ubentian forces attack Al Aquabah, find only a few stragglers left apon arrival. Apparently thier enemies had no interest in major combat, or atleast, not yet. Then the army moves to Ar Raqqah, and again, thier enemies retreat, but once again some stragglers are left behind.

As far as it can be seen, their army lacks some coordination and organization. Or perhaps, it is that they are well organized and carefully coordinated? I'm sure we'll soon see in the coming days.

Fontan, a Gold Distributor for Enemies?...
In a recent attack by Perdan's PMW, a good sum of gold totalling over 2,000 pieces, was looted from Fontan, in a hit and move like tactic. Not wasting time, they avoided a good majority of enemy troops. This is just another testament to the strength of Perdan's forces, even when only a fraction of them are attacking an enemy.

Itoruntian Poets?!
In an odd change of mood for this article, we've decided to do a thing on something that involves less bloodshed. A peice of poetry. It's by an Itoruntian and as you can see, it's not the greatest thing.
Itorunt, Itorunt How beloved you are, You spread peace and riches throughout the world like perfume that wafts through the air Unlike our enemies, whose odor pollutes the world people, animals, crops, nature itself is polluted by the stench of war and brutality
Yet there are enemies who would wish to end this, for they wish to live in a brutal world of war, rape, pillaging, mistrust, and poverty.
Our way is better oh Itorunt, Itorunt, wanter of a merciful world, spreader of peace, riches, family, trust and hospitality
Gopherman, what a great leader he was The epitomization of what Itorunt stands for For he brought peaceful relationshions to a wartorn land If only his successors could share his beliefs of peace Gopherman, may your days be long

As you can see, it's lacking in a few areas.

A bit on the Kalmarians...
While I am rather unsure to call them Kalmarians, Islanders, or Kalmarian Islanders, there is still quite a bit happening with our northern neighbor.

Recently, Perdan dispatched a force to it's ally in order to deal with the monster problems on the closest isle. This was a success, as the monster problem there was eradicated, atleast temporairly.

Also, they moved their capital from Kalmar to the Chaos Temple. This move should bring a more stabilized control of their regions, as it's more central.

And lastly, they have began publishing thier first newspaper known as The Kalmarian Chronicles. It's an interesting paper, for it manages to publish so much from a realm that one would expect to have so few happenings. Perhaps this is just a one time thing though, and the other issues will be shorter. Only the future will tell.