Unti Family/Aldo/Stories/Gurney

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Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
The guard at the tent entrance waves Gurney in and in the process manages to strike his halberd with his hand. The litany of curses trail just inside the command tent as the sentry sucks on his fingers.

The interior of the tent was dim, the viloet flame of Incindia casting long shadows. Undisturbed by the odd flame Aldo sits on a small stool, overlooking a worn wooden table and the map there on.

Looking up he frowns, "Yes?"
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti
"They're closin' in around us m'lord," Gurney says immediately, not getting close enough to actually see the map but making his own best educated, or lack there of, guess. "More and more of us that try ta keep our roads clear of tha monsters and undead are captured and killed by those blasted hellspawn, pardon my language m'lord." Remaining near to where he entered, Gurney does not walk in any further. Perhaps another old lessoned learned when entering the tent of a lord, but the Prime Minister's tent was even more imposing. "I'm just lookn' fer a way to strike at them, if it pleases m'lord."
Gurney Miles (Freeman)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
"It would please me if the boy who wishes to discuss strategy introduce himself for a start," replies Aldo leaning back from the table.
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti
"Ah, yes, of course m'lord," Gurney replies hastily, "I am Gurney, bastard of the Miles family, adventurer of Beluaterra, and a teacher of the sword-dance." He gives a timid bow, unpracticed legs making it look awkward but at least there is some indication of noble training in his early upbringing. "If it pleases m'lord, I'd welcome to set my things down?" he asks, swiveling his posture to give a better view of the large, and over-burdening bag strapped to his back.
Gurney Miles (Freeman)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
"His expression not changing, "You may welcome as you wish, but you will stand, Gurney the bastard," eyes hard Aldo reaches into a stack of letters and pulls out one from General Dorgund. "I am informed you seek something unusual, but not unheard of. I have my own views about, knighting peasants, so you are here only because General Dorgund requested it and he is an honourable man. You have limited time to explain to me why exactly I should continue to entertain this conversation."
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti
"Ah yes," he replies, "to the point." A smile creeps along Gurney's face and he makes no mention of the command for him to remain standing.

"It's a mattah of simple numbers. Nobles are dying with there realms, and Melhed gets weaker as the daimons force their ways into your lands." He gives a brief shrug, "I had only heard whisperings of the loss of Valentia, but when I came here and saw it with my own eyes..." he shakes his head.

"You need more commandahs, more men able to fight back at the daimons.. not skulk around the countryside fearing they might be caught and fed to the daimons. You call my uncle honourable, and you're right, and I can't but expect he'd even forward my request on something more than desperate need."

Gurney inhales sharply before continuing, "I can carry a sword, and I can carry an oath. But if there ain't no beluaterra left in a year none of us ain't gonna be carrying nothin'"
Gurney Miles (Freeman)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
"Shaking his head Aldo waves Gurney away, "This is Melhed, not some southern realm, we don't just want a hot body to swing a sword. If this is the best argument you can come up with then be gone from my sight. I'll not present you to the senate as someone worthy to take up the mantle of the wolf if this is who you are. Nobles are given some grace to learn of their new home, but you, you will not even be considered if you are not a shining paragon of Melhed virtue."
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti
"You mistake a hot body where there is passion and desire, m'lord," Gurney replies quickly. "As I said the General would not forward my letter if he felt I had no honor, no promise. I'll admit I may talk a bit rough, more rough than the other nobles, but I am not without my thought, my reason." "I don't come here for pity or hand outs, I come here to fight back, to protect those that remain. To face the darkness, and to uphold what Melhed is." He inhales sharply, "Yes, I am tied by a thin line of blood to the general but I came to the Wolf for what it stands for. I can bear that mantle. I know not how else to describe virtue."Looking thoughtful for a long time Aldo eventually speaks, "Your words so far have done you credit. Very well then Gurney the Bastard, bring me proof that you know, understand and display the virtues of the wolf mantle. Do this and we may speak again of this matter."
Gurney Miles (Freeman)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
"Looking thoughtful for a long time Aldo eventually speaks, "Your words so far have done you credit. Very well then Gurney the Bastard, bring me proof that you know, understand and display the virtues of the wolf mantle. Do this and we may speak again of this matter."
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti
"An envelope arrives to you many days after you had departed Ukh. The envelope is well-sealed and it bulges in the middle indicating an item inside. Upon opening a letter can be found stuffed inside alongside a a small pouch with a string tie closing it shut.


I have labored in thought with what deeds I could undertake to prove my worth. After a trip to Lin Helon a powerful dream came over me as I camped outside the city limits. A pig, in a dress, was taunting me from a distance. I followed, curious as to its purpose. It felt as if I followed the strange bovine for days, travelling west into the familiar territory of Ukh once more. Along the way I would glimpse a wolf in the distance, or darting between trees, as if it were shadowing my movement. So engrossed with the pig, however, I did little else then chase after it. very time I would get close enough to grab the pig would suddenly leap up and dart ahead.

Finally, I chased it to a cave. Though the cave was dark and I had no torch I found that my vision was not hampered by the darkness. I descended into the cave's depths but the pig was not to be found. Whatever desire that had overtaken me in chasing the pig had vanished, and I was instead confronted with a chest. As I approached the chest the lid began to open and my vision was blurred by a yellowish light... but I never saw what was in the chest as the rising sun awoke me from my dream.

I decided to follow the path the pig had led me on in the dream. Disturbingly the path was nearly identical to what I had seen, and I had little trouble in finding my way. Once again I was on this same path, and once again I traveled for days. The path was not as easy as I had dreamed. Monsters assaulted my path countless times until I finally found my way to the cave. What had been a peaceful and tranquil cave was now filled with more savage monsters. I slew them, as I had done before upon this path, and at the end I found a most queer site.

A monster who strangely resembled a pig had taken fancy to dressing itself with the clothing of its recent victims. It just so happened its most recent victim was a young lass, slumped half eaten in the corner, stripped bear. The pig-beast looked ridiculous but its ferocity was none-the-less real. Fortunately the God's favored me that day and I slew the foul creature.

No chest was to be found, however, another slight detraction from the dream. Instead, I found this solitary signet ring upon the pig-beast, tucked away in a pocket of severely aged and torn pants from some other hapless victim.

By your grace,

OOC: I was waiting for some inspiration, and I thought a signet ring (a common item I've not seen before as an adventurer) sounded decent enough. I left it open-ended on purpose! Run with it if you want, or I'll add more later.
Gurney Miles (Freeman)

Roleplay from Aldo Unti
Message sent to Gurney Miles
"Sighing and sorting through another stack of papers Aldo pauses at a familiar scrawl. Frowning slightly at the letter from Gurney he sets it aside and reads through another message from Arcane, shaking his head. Stupid daimons, the monsters were more dangerous.

Finally finished he turns to the two unanswered letters, on from a daimon worshiper and one from a peasant. Choices choices......

Picking up the letter from the peasant Aldo opens it do discover the small pouch and faded parchment. Frowning and setting the bag aside he reads through the note with a slightly amused scowl. "He knows his history at least, even if it's only the history of mocking the ruler."

Dumping out the ring on his table Aldo studies it in the violet light with the nagging feeling he had seen it before.

Shrugging he sets down the ring and ponders. A battle with a giant monster and acquisition of treasure hardly seemed that Melite. Fighting the Children was never a bad thing, but every peasant fought such creatures, there must be some other way for the supplicant to distinguish himself.

Shrugging Aldo places the ring aside to study again later, if the peasant could not figure out what it meant to be a Melhed noble it was not his job to help him. That final test was his, and his alone.
Aldo Unti (Consul)

Roleplay from Gurney Miles
Message sent to Aldo Unti

I have spent the last many nights pondering your words to me. It is not easy for a man who has been stricken from high society and lived in the wilderness for so long to see the intricate patterns of nobility. Though my name has been dragged through the mud, my blood is clean.

The wilderness is not so different from that of a noble man. It is surely not so hospitable as a warm bath at your fingertips but the tenets of service remain the same. I have been dedicated to exterminating the Children, and the undead. I have been loyal to those I've found myself in service to, and rewarded them with the treasures hidden throughout Beluaterra.

Melhed was founded on strict adherence to the Emperor, and has since grown into a realm that thrives because of the combined efforts of its Senate. It is a realm that demands the attention and action of all its nobles.

This you do not need explained to you, but I would explain my understanding.
Gurney Miles (Freeman)