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East Continent
Spider's Throne
Jynx Guile
East Coast
Manufacturing, Trade

RB Shadowdale.png

Karbala is situated at the very west, a coastal region which shares the northern climate type from its neighbour regions added to a hint of salty water from the sea.

The city is divided in four districts, that do not always match with the division of estates. The first one and the biggest is the District of the Market. The district has some popular places as Royal Street, which is the richer area of the quarter and the Great Square, wherein there are the most important trades of the city.

The District of the Palaces is the center of management of the city. There are two magnificent palaces there. Firstly, the Grey Palace was built by the elves from a massive rock that fell from the sky, common folk said it was a god's wrath that threw a rock at mankind. Secondly, the Lunar Palace resembles many fortresses of the East Continent in its triple arrangement as a castle, a palace and a residential annex for subordinates. In its watchtower, known as the Blue Candle Tower, there is a large cauldron with a blue flame that never stops burning.

In the District of the Royal Port of the Twilight, many ships and products arrive and leave every day. Although there are many trades there, it is the poorest district in the city.

The District of Letters is the main point of teaching and cultural exchange of the city. There are many colleges within the Grey University of Karbala covering history, law, medicine, astronomy, and more. Theology is taught in the Cathedral of the Shadow. The Grey University of Karbala, built in the rulership of the Shadow King Lindow Moonsun, is the center of culture of the realm. It is said that the elder scrolls collection of the Spider Queen Luciferase Mayhem is saved there.

Another point of interest in the District of Letters is the High Park of the Fallen, a graveyard built during the Great War between the northern realms and the southern realms. Many Shadowdale sons and daughters lie in their green meadows.

Karbala's economy is famous by it's manifactures, exotic spices and exotic animals. The most famous of all is Karbala's purple wine; just a sip to induce psychodelic effects, common folk say you can actually see the music that is being played as color sprays dancing in mid air. Many goods and services are trading in the Royal Port of the Twilight and Great Square.

Past Dukes of Karbala

  • Luciferase Mayhem
  • Ryu Hinamoto
  • Zakilevo Lapallanch

Past Lords of Karbala

  • Luciferase Mayhem
  • Ryu Hinamoto
  • Zakilevo Lapallanch


  • Investment Cost: 420 gold

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