Vix Tiramora/Executors's Jurisdiction

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I. The Executor is responsible for civility in Vix. Citizens are expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy at all times. The Executor is responsible for guarding against vulgar or abusive behaviour by one Citizen towards another Citizen. II. The Executor is responsible for upholding Vix Laws, as ratified by Referendum and held in the Great Library of Vix Tiramora. III. The Executor is responsible for negotiating Prisoner Treaties with Foreign Nations and maintaining Prisoner Treaties previously agreed. Imprisoned foreign Nobles and Peasants will be managed in accordance with these Prisoner Treaties. IV. The Executor has primary responsibility for presenting proposed new laws to Vix for discussion. The Lord Vixir has secondary responsibility and may bring legislation if the Executor is unavailable or unwilling. Once the wording has been finalised, the Executor or Lord Vixir shall raise a 5 day Referendum, with all Vixens able to vote. If the Referendum passes the Bill becomes law. V. The Lord Vixir has a veto on Bill, but he must raise his objection before the Referendum has completed. Accordingly, it is wise to check the Lord Vixir is aligned with the Bill before presenting it to the Nation. VI. If the Bill is vetoed by the Lord Vixir, the Executor should attempt to draft amendments to the Bill so as to align the Lord Vixir. VII. If the Lord Vixir cannot be aligned, the Executor has the choice to either drop the Bill or re-raise the Referendum as a 'Will of the People' Referendum. This special Referendum requires a 2/3 majority to pass and cannot be vetoed by the Lord Vixir.


In order to uphold the Responsibilities listed in (AI&AII) above, the Executor will action the following judicial process: I. A Warning - In the first instance, the Executor shall warn the Accused of their crime and order them to desist. II. A Fine - If the warning goes unheeded for three days or if the crime is repeated (i.e. vulgar behaviour used after the warning has been issued), the Executor shall place a fine on the Accused, the value of the fine being decided by the Executor based on their judgement of the severity of the crime. III. A Ban - If the fine goes unheeded for three days, as a last resort the Executor shall hold a 5 day Trial (via Referendum), with all Vixens able to vote. A Guilty Verdict would result in a ban on the Accused, a Not Guilty Verdict would result in an Acquittals.


I. If the Accused feels they are innocent of the crime, they are able to appeal. II. The Accused may also appeal if they feel steps in the judicial process in (B) above have been skipped or foreshortened. III. The Accused appeals by publicly protesting the Executor IV. If two Cabinet Ministers agrees with the appeal, a Cabinet Minister must raise a 3 day Referendum on reversing the Executor's decision. If the Referendum is successful, the Executor must reverse their decision. If the Referendum fails, the Executor's decision stands.

Note: The Vix Tiramora Cabinet consists of the Lord Vixir, Executor, Master Steward, Prime Knight and the Head of each Great House.