Le Craint Family/Emyhr le Craint/The Beginnings of Tol Goldora

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During the major invasion of Luria Nova, Emyhr had lost a big part of him. In hopes of finding this again, he set off with his Friend Solomon Greybrook for Sol. Upon meeting with other nobles that felt the same way, they all set off for Golden Farrow to establish the realm Tol Goldora. The beginnings of the colony were hard, fighting off constant attacks by monsters and undead, fighting against the rebelious populations of Golden Farrow, Farrowfield and Demyansk. However, the colonists perservierd and eventually their hardwork was successful and the realm of Tol Goldora was formed. Emyhr took up lordship of Demyansk and worked to find the drive that he once had, in a new home. This is a chronicle of the activities that took place during Emyhr's time at Tol Goldora.

Roleplay Archive

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint

Looking over the harbour, Emyhr stood and pondered. His grizzled face no longer gave off the respectable aura it once did, it now showed only grief. His facial hair had been left untamed, it now grew out into an irregular fashion. Now he wore black, not as to meet the trends but to portray the grief that he has felt. The period of mourning had not come to an end. He let out a deep sigh, slinking deeper into the harbour wall, his legs only barely holding himself up.

"I wonder what I should do? Where I should go? Who I should be? This world does not give me hope any more, not like it once did."

The sounds of men and woman leaving the taverns from the dock below filled the air, the cheer and laughter only added to his grief. Emyhr could not imagine what they had experienced, he thought to himself. The comfort to live behind walls must have left them ignorant to the world around them. Emyhr took a step back from the wall, bracing himself as he stood up ensuring that he had the right footing. Once again, looking out over the bay, the calm of the ocean seemed peaceful but only stood as a progenitor to the choas that the sea can bring.

Emyhr headed towards the stairs, making his way to the harbour side manor to which he was residing in. Taking his first steps down, he lost his footing. Slipping down the damp cobble steps, he was caught just before the end by his captain, he looked upon the weakened man that stood before him.

"Sir, You mustn't wander off this late at night. Not in your current state. Come, let us return to the manor."

Emyhr didn't put up a fight and followed the captain, feeling uneasy about the whole ordeal however. It did not take long, the captain brought a cup of wine and some fresh candles to Emyhr's room, setting them out around the room and lighting them. He bowed to Emyhr and left the room almost as quickly as he had arrived. Emyhr who now sat on the edge of his bed, let out another deep sigh. The sound of the waves had become less frequent and harder to hear over the noise of the harbour. He stood up and made his way to the desk in his room, a small pile of papers and a fresh pot of ink sat ready. He grabbed his cup and took a deep swig before sitting down and proceeding to write endless letters, throwing out copies that he did not like.

This went on for hours, the sounds of the harbour came to an end but Emyhr still sat there, new piles of paper had arrived and the scraps that now littered the floor was slowly being cleared up by the occasional servant who mustered up enough courage to enter his room. The bags around his eyes from his sleepless nights only grew darker and darker with ever hour that passed. Finally he lent into the back of his chair, his emotionless face hanging there in the still air. His breathing both slow and harsh, he slumped up from his chair. In a slow movement he made his way to his bed, falling into the smooth and well kept blankets, making no effort to change nor prepare himself for the night. The only thing that broke the lifeless atmosphere was the sound of the occasional weeping and heavy breathing of a weakened and frail man.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
A New Purpose

The salty sea breeze brushed through Emyhr's rugged silver hair, shielding his eyes from the wind his only redemption by ducking behind the ledge of the boat. Emyhr stood on the main deck of the ship. His eyes encircled by dark black circles, blood shot and watery his sleepless nights proved ever tough for the young man. Once the breeze passed by, Emyhr stood up once again and looked over the bay towards the port of Askileon, he let out a deep sigh turning away looking towards his men settling down for the evening. At which point Solomon approached, the man looking better then Emyhr did, he leaned against the edge of the boat.

"So... We have finally taken the plunge into the unknown. My friend, I do not know what the world has in store for us on our travels. I hope that tonight will be the night I finally get some sleep."

Emyhr struggled on his feet, his lack of energy was becoming more and more apparent with every day that past. Solomon held out his arm as a brace for Emyhr, the two of them making their way toward a table that had been set up on the top deck. A couple of attendants began preparing the table for the evening meal, covering the warn table with a simple linen cloth, placed an assortment of cups and plates followed by jugs of wine. The two of them sat at opposite ends, the stewards poured wine into each of their cups and departed towards the stairs going below deck towards the kitchen.

"The future may be clouded in mystery but that is part of the charm of it. Wherever the winds shall take us, I am sure we will find a hint towards what we seek. For now, let us eat. With luck, the sea shall help you sleep tonight."

The two men enjoy the meal prepared by the ships crew, a simple meal not suited for a noble but they enjoyed it none the less. As the evening drew to a close, the men began to break into the kegs of ale brought along for the trip, many of them excited for the venture in the north. Emyhr and Solomon now a few drinks down joined a few of the men as they reveled in the prospects of the future, many of them showing off scars from battles and fights. Emyhr was feeling more prospective about the future seeing the men enthusiastic and hopeful. Emyhr grabs his drink and stood up promptly.

"Well then men, the time for adventure is now. Lets us remain hopeful to what lies in wait for us. To the future..." Emyhr raised his cup in cheer. "TO THE FUTURE.." The men cheered in chorus.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
Out with the old

Darkness has fallen over Emyhr. Standing within the dilapidated city of Goldenfarrow, gathered around a small gallows that had been set up within a large open marketplace. Of course, this place had not been used for a market in quite some time, making it easy to set up a rudimentary platform. Emyhr stood at the top, he black armour speckled with blood and dirt, the edges crusted with salt brought in by the sea air. His hair left ragged and untamed, blowing with the wind, as the shadow of the nearby building split his face he stepped forward to greet the crowd that had gathered.

"Greetings citizens of Goldenfarrow, for far to long have you been left to rot in your own bile. A new age is upon you, and with this, the old must be removed." He turned to one of his men who stood behind him, "Bring them out.."

A small line of men, who clothes seemingly stood out from the rest of the populous who wore only rags. Hoods covered their faces but the shine of their jewelry made it clear who they were. There came a serious of jeering, a stream of rotten tomatoes followed smacking the prisoners. One such tomato his one of the hoods, knocking it off, revealing a tired and broken man. Further shouts came following this revelation. Emyhr procceeded to hold up his hand, silencing the crowd.

"The accused who stand before you were found guilty of corruption, deceit and neglect, to which they have been sentenced to death."

There came a cheering from the crowd upon hearing this news, the men stood on the gallows began to cry out as their heads were placed within the nooses that hung down. More tomatoes were slung towards the men, the hoods were removed to show an equally pitiful sight. Emyhr walked up to one who began to plea for mercy.

"M'lord, please.... I have a family... I did this for them."

Emyhr smiled as he gripped at the golden chain that hung at his neck before tearing it off. "Is this what you call 'helping' your family?" He proceeded to throw the chain into the crowd as a number of hands tried to grab at it. "As you can see, the condemned have taken your hard earned money and lived a lavish lifestyle at your expense. No longer shall you have to suffer at their hands, for the Golden Host has come to liberate you from your oppressors."

There came another cheer followed by Emyhr's men throwing more and more jewelry into the crowd taken from the men at the gallows. Emyhr stood next to a large lever, he gently placed his hand on the wooden handle, looking upon the crowd and smiled.

"Today marks a new age for Golden Farrow. The Golden Host brings you the justice you so seek."

With those words Emyhr pulled back on the lever as the men on the gallows dropped and slumped. Emyhr faced the crowd and held his hands up. Further cheers erupted from the crowd, many of them holding up scraps of the jewelry that they had managed to get ahold of.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
Beneath the house

With a creak of the floorboards, the sound of small feet rushing through the hallway, Emyhr pushed through the heavy and rotting oak door of his new home. The manor had been left empty and mismanaged for quite some time, the locals that Emyhr has spoke to all said the same thing.

"That place is dangerous, none go near that place no more. Some say you hear noises from deep within."

Of course, none of this mattered to Emyhr. His desire for a new home would not be stopped by some petty rumours. As the door swung open, the stale air brushed past Emyhr forcing him to hold his hand to his nose. The stench of rotting wood and animal faeces was greater than expected. He reached for his back pocket and produced a handkerchief, wrapping it around his mouth and nose, he continued in. With each step came another loud creak and the rushing of feet as rats scurried across the floor. The further he stepped away from the door, the darker it got. Before long, he could see nothing but a few feet in front of him. Reaching out, he carefully continued down the hallway, clinging to the wall as paint began to crumble from the wall with every passing of his hands.

He entered into a large hall, small cracks in the boarded up windows allowed for light to pierce through. In a corner, a pile of tables and chairs had been hastily moved almost as if they have been blown back across the room by a great force. Emyhr walked up and studied the tables and chairs, gently caressing each table leg and chair leg before snapping off the sturdiness piece with a quick motion. Finding a scrap of fabric he wrapped it around the table leg and doused it in alcohol from his flask, finally lighting it. Illuminating the room, Emyhr could get a better look at the hall. It was a mess. sprays of dried blood adorned the floor and walls, a small pile of bones that had been picked clean by the rats had been assembled into a horrifying looking nest.

Shrugging this off, Emyhr continued down the hallway. With the light, he could see that the mess continued down the hall way. Signs of struggles and fighting were a common sight in the west but this was particularly gruesome. As he continued, he noticed that the trails of blood seemingly stopped in front of a blank wall. Pressing himself against it, apart from peeling paint and crumbling walls, he could feel a slight breeze coming from underneath. With a quick motion, Emyhr kicked at this patch in the wall, with little effort the crumbling wall collapsed revealing a hidden tunnel and the continuation of blood. Carefully continuing, he stepped into the tunnel. It was only a short tunnel but as the air was thick and still, the smell of the crumbling house was replaced by a strange mix of smells... Red Wine... Ale.... Blood..., Not something Emyhr had smelt before, carefully he continued.

The tunnel opened into a large basement complex, barrels lining the walls untouched compared to the rest of the manor. The smell of the wine, ale and blood was stronger than before. As he stepped further and further, the complex continued deeper and deeper into the ground. Once again, he came to a dead end. Taking initiative, he proceeded to kick the stone wall again. This time however there was no movement, only a throbbing pain in his leg, then the silence was broken by movement, then a large clash of stone against the floor as Emyhr caught sight of a troll breaking through some of the barrels as it began to charge towards him. Drawing his morning star, Emyhr rushed into a comfortable position before realising that he was not wearing his armour. He let out a large sigh and began to rush between the gaps in the barrels, the freedom of movement would be his advantage and his bane.

Rounding a corner, he came to a large open area. Adjusting the grip on his morning star, he waited. Before long, the low growl of the troll greeted the knight as the troll moved towards him. Without a second thought, Emyhr rushed forward, swinging his morning star. The beast let out a large yelp as it collided with the side of his head. But it still stood strong, now only more enraged. It reached out, grabbing Emyhr and throwing him across the room into a pile of barrels, a splatter of wine sprayed across the room and onto Emyhr. He smiled and stood up, once again rushing the beast. This time however, he ducked beneath the swing of its large arms sliding through its stubby legs across the stone floor. Leaping up onto its back and bringing the morning star down on his head once again. With a loud crack, the beast fell to the ground.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he began to drag the beast along through the tunnels, placing a large barrel into the folds of the trolls thick hide. He thought to himself.

"Im gonna need a drink after this." Smiling he continued up the stairs.
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
A Drink with a Friend: Part One

The business of builders and workers had not settled since Emyhr left the tunnels under his home. The main hall had been almost full reconstructed, new glass had been placed in the windows, the walls had been repaired and repainted and the floor had been replaced. Set up in the hall was a series of tables and chairs, at one end elevated sat a larger more regal table centred around a single armchair. Emyhr sat within this chair holding a glass of silver inlaid with gold, taking a sip of wine that had been found in the tunnels. About his head, hanging on the wall was the head of the troll he had slain. Placing down the cup on the table, he stood up and admired the work to his new home. Without a moments rest, an attendant entered the room.

"Sir Emyhr, you have a guest. Earl Solomon Greybrook has arrived." Emyhr smiled, picking up his glass once again. "Lead him in, hopefully he is not too disgusted by this place."

The attendant disappeared out of the hall, giving Emyhr a moment to breath and step down from his platform. Before long, Solomon Greybrook entered the room.

"Welcome my friend, Earl Solomon Greybrook. I hope my home is not too disgraceful, it is in need of some major repairs." Emyhr stepped towards his friend, taking a glass from a nearby table. "Come join me for a drink, you may be surprised by this particular vintage I found a few casks of this in tunnels beneath my home. Although, I did have a bit of trouble securing it."

Emyhr motioned towards the trolls head handing behind him. Offering the cup to Solomon, he held out his hand in greeting.

"But enough of that, come sit, I have taken the liberty to ensure that this room was ready for your arrival."

He led Solomon to one of the tables and called for his attendant again. "Bring some food, hopefully the chef's have had the kitchen repaired enough to produce some food." With a bow, the attendant left the room and headed down the hallway.

"So my friend, How have you fared since our arrival? It has been tough but it seems we are making progress."
Emyhr le Craint

Roleplay from Emyhr le Craint
A Drink with a Friend: Part Two

"How have you found fighting in the West? It reminds me slightly of our time on Earth Hall's fringes..."

Emyhr's expression changed for a moment, his eyes shut and face wrinkled up but for a moment. At which point, he took the glass in his hand and downed the little wine that was left. He wiped away the wine dripping from his mouth, attempting to hide his sadness. Turning away from Solomon, he walked up to the table and poured himself another glass.

"We have both suffered greatly at the hands of the beast that torment out land." He took another sip turning back to Solomon, his face emotionless and still. "However, that doesnt mean we are stuck to grieve for the rest of our lives, I am sure our families would not wish that upon us."

He took a few steps forward and placed his hand on Solomon's shoulder, gently but firmly pressing down. "We must try to hold our heads high, for I believe that as they watch us from the other side, they are smiling down upon us as we retake these lands."

At this point, Emyhr let out a little smile, however his eyes still showed the pain. Taking another sip, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. The same attendant as before, joined by a couple of maids entered the room holding a couple of silver trays. Placing these down on the table nearby, he opened them to reveal a freshly cooking chicken, garnished with thyme and parsley.

"Earl Solomon Greybrook, Sir Emyhr, as you requested the chefs have prepared a roast chicken with fresh potatoes and carrots." He bowed before the two men. "Additionally, Sir Emyhr. A messenger arrived with a letter sealed by the Duke." He handed the letter over to Emyhr and gestured for the two men to head towards the table.

Emyhr stepped towards the table, waiting for his friend to join him before sitting down. Afterwhich, he proceeded to open the letter. For a moment he was still, silently reading each and every word.

"Solomon, my friend. It seems my bid for the Earldom has been successful..." Emyhr was speechless, a single tear fell down his cheek. He was lost for words, all the emotions came pouring out. He quickly wiped away the tear so as to not sour the mood. "Once again, it seems we shall both be Earls once again. I am sure this is good fortune for us both. A new world and new Earldom, much we can accomplish here."

Emyhr held out his glass in the air to toast. "To a new life in a new world." He let out a smell smile, pleased to be sat here with his friend.
Emyhr le Craint