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Obia'Syela, or "Obeah's Haven" in the common parlance, is a holy realm situated in north east Beluaterra and ruled over by a young, benevolent theocracy, the Heralds of Obeah, a religious order dedicated to delivering mankind to the safety of their namesake patron's embrace and protection. The realm is a founder member of The Trifecta proposed Federation.

Sacred Obia'Syela is a theocracy of priests and monuments, the seat of the religious order, The Heralds of Obeah. Its Capital, Keffa, was delivered from the Netherworld to mankind by Obeah and protected by daimonic thralls possessed by the goddess to guard her Oracle. The realm is a refuge of scholarly pursuit in the study of magic, a safe harbor from terror of war, oppression, and is utterly committed to destroying the Daimons of the Netherworld. To that end, at the behest of the Oracle, The Inquisition was founded with the twin tasks of rooting out and destroy the Netherworld's heresy wherever it could be found and gathering magical items for study by the Heralds.

Obia'Syela, or "Obeah's Heaven" in the common parlance, is a holy, theocratic realm of priests and temples founded by a powerful Oracle and ruled by the benevolent Heralds of Obeah, a religious order made up of faithful from all walks of life and dedicated to the study of magic and delivering mankind from the ravages of the monsters, undead, and daimonkind to the safety of their namesake patron's embrace and protection.

The Heralds of Obeah welcome you to the safety of Sacred Obia'Syela and invite you to join our studies. Come in peace or be sent home in pieces.



OOC Testamonies

It's just that Obia'Syela is so active that it makes for a perfect realm to showcase the new tutorial.

– DevNote

I work two jobs in real life and am a full-time college student with a 4.0 GPA that I'm constantly battling to maintain, so I don't have a ton of free time, but the little bit of free time I get I spend on Battlemaster. If I don't have time, I make time, because Obia'Syela (not to get all mushy here) is probably one of the funnest, realest gaming atmospheres I've found in a long time. It is genuinely important to me.

– House of Drake

There will still be a boatload of entertaining experience for you in Obia'Syela though, I'm certain of it. Almost every player/character there plans something, has some goals, plays some angles and many of those plans/goals/angles include other players/characters. The ratio of those who create/contribute to flow of events to those who drift with the flow of events is exceptionally high here, higher than any other realm I've seen.

– House of Bennet

Rines - City of Moonlight, Capital of Sacred Obia'Syela, Ducal Seat of Amen Keffa, and Crown Jewel of Southern Beluaterra

Welcome Message

Welcome, Knight, to the court of the theocratic realm of Sacred Obia'Syela.

I am the Oracle of Obeah and ruler of the theocracy of Sacred Obia'Syela - a Holy land gifted to us by the workings of the Vieled Goddess - comprised of three major factions: the Heralds of Obeah, the Templars, and the Inquisition. We serve the Veiled Goddess whose name is Obeah: A deity of Magic whose Will is set against the Netherworld and its daimons. Here, it is the priesthood and faith are the Heralds of Obeah, who preach the words of the Oracle and serve the Will of Obeah that rule.

We are a people who have overcome many adversities to be here, having nearly been destroyed by no less than the daimonic overlord Jomorosh himself. Much was lost when that Archdaimon attacked Keffa, our original home in the center of Beluaterra's mainland. Our grand temples and shrines, our statues and monuments, and thousands of faithful perished in that Great Scourge and the nobility's fortunes were lost. Thus began the Great Pilgrimage wherein the survivors of that massacar journeyed through Fronen to resettle in Rines. Since then, we have spread to claim the south and rebuild it in our own image atop the bones of realms that were not blessed to survive the Sixth Daimonic Invasion.

Only members of the faith may be awarded titles or office, so I do encourage you to visit the temple and choose a faction to embrace. There is a great deal of work to be done. We have a great deal of room to expand, after all, and we are far from the woeful conflicts of the central continent. I have found that the Veiled Goddess always leaves a Path for those that would follow her. It will be some time before you are situated enough to be considered to join the priesthood, if that is your eventual desire. In the meantime, we suffer from regular rogue attacks from the hordes of monsters and undead that roam the South uncheckded that your men can help with. I hope that one day your name will join your fellows in our history.

Blessings of the Veiled Goddess be upon you,

– Rania Eastersand JeVondair Grandmistress, Grand Inquisitor, Grand Chancellor of Obia'Syela