Onyxis Family/Claude

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Lord Claude Onyxis
Status: Dead
Continent: Dwilight
Titles (held and formerly held): "Overseer of Swordfell, Chancellor of Swordfell, Lord Imperator of Swordfell, Royal of Swordfell, Sponsor of the Storm Legion, Earl of Fatexna, Founding Member of Swordfell, Coiner of Fellish, Imperial Marshal of Luria Nova"


Claude Onyxis was a tall and muscular man, standing at six feet, two inches tall and weighing 220 lbs, the vast majority of which was toned muscle. He had fairly short hair, although it was not kept so short that his scalp may be seen. Despite his size and muscular build, he did not look intimidating unless he was specifically trying to (and even then he sometimes failed). His eyes were brown, and were generally seen as warm and welcoming. If not at home or attending a social event, he was rarely seen without his brass-colored armor on, and when he was so armored he always carried his sword on his belt and his heraldic shield. Although his age began to creep up on him in his later years, he looked to be probably twenty years younger than he actually was for much of his life.

Claude's Life

Time in Morek

Claude's career started in the Morek Empire as a knight. During this time he participated in many battles against rogue forces in the southern portion of the nation as well as battles against enemies in the North. He participated in the siege against Storms Keep during the war, but generally found fighting the beasts to the south a way he could more effectively use his skills. Eventually he was named Earl of Fatexna, and decided to join the colonists who would come to form the nation of Swordfell.

Time in Swordfell

Before the founding of Swordfell, Claude was elected to be its first Overseer. He is also attributed with the creation of the nation's demonym, Fellish. He attempted to remain uninvolved in the Mud Crisis of 21 YD, although he eventually came down firmly on the side of Bowie Ironsides. In the winter referendum of 23 YD, he was associated with the sheaths faction, favoring neutrality in the conflict between the realms of D'Hara and Luria Nova. In 24 YD he was elected the Chancellor of the realm, and in the Winter of 25 YD he was elected as the Lord Imperator of the Republic of Swordfell, later to be re-elected for a second term. During his term he has struggled with issues such as appointing a new Duke of Sol after the disappearance of Duke Bowie, fighting off the global rogue invasion, dealing with the diplomatic issues caused by the defection of the region of Tamirak to Swordfell from Corsanctum, handling the migration of nobles from Western Dwilight to the East, and attempting to deal with the death of Duke Deorwulf Barras at the hands of rogues in Turbul. Throughout the fluctuation of political chaos and stagnancy characterizing Swordfell, Claude remained a stalwart and generally Republican voice. Opposed to any absolute rights of Dukes to veto the will or elected officials of the Fellish nobility as a whole, he often found himself firmly opposing Duke Crixus Domitius on the political front, conflict which would eventually lead to a duel between the two nobles. Although the duel was supposed to be to the death, it ended with both combatants unconscious, yet alive, and as such was formally rendered as a draw. However, Claude was injured quite heavily in the duel as compared to his foe, and therefore an argument can be made that the de facto winner was Duke Crixus. Political matters in Swordfell eventually led many to leave the nation, and one of the last to do so was Claude, forsaking what he viewed as the political abomination that had replaced Swordfell and joining Luria Nova.

Time in the Lurian Hegemony

Claude joined the Lurian Hegemony to a generally warm welcome. Feeling his age at this time, his intent was to consign himself to a calm life in service to the Empire. However, political machinations and large-scale invasions by rogues would make this impossible. Briefly, political happenings in Northern Dwilight made it seem likely that Lurian intervention would become necessary, and Claude briefly served as the Imperial Marshal of Luria Nova, and drew up hypothetical plans for an invasion of Swordfell if it was deemed necessary. However, such a war never came to be, as an invasion of monsters across the continent took precedence over any conflicts between humans. Serving with the army the Emperor's Will, Claude would fight against monsters in the north of the realm to his best ability, watching as region by region fell and was reclaimed, only to fall again, the cycle seeming never to end. Eventually, while defending the region of Santoo, Claude would meet his end on the claws of a dire wolf-like creature.

Claude as an Individual


Claude was known to be a fellow who is rather slow to move. This was not at all a result of being a slow individual, but rather was a result of caution. He was not quick to endorse an idea before it had been proven enough to convince him of its legitimacy, but after it was so proven he would support it fully and without reservation. However, this caution did not mean he was a boring individual. He entertained many hobbies, although most notably these included training and drinking. In his interactions with others, he attempted to be welcoming and open-minded. He was slow to anger with those with whom he disagreed, and was quick to friendship with those he liked.


Throughout his life Claude had been a believer in the Church of Sanguis Astroism. Amongst this religion, he felt most in tune with the Auspicious Star. However, while he supported the practice and spread of the Church, he was usually not in favor of the Theocratic way of thinking, preferring the ideas of Religion and Realm to be separate. When the Regent Enoch, his personal friend, declared Jonsu to be the new Prophet, Claude re-evaluated his standing on the Church, finding that it had been in decline but that Jonsu was not, indeed, a true Prophet of any kind. He had since kept firm his beliefs that religion should never dictate the politics of a realm, although he had no hard feelings against the existing theocracies.


Claude practiced a unique style of fighting that utilized his shield as an offensive as well as defensive weapon. Although it was not readily apparent, Claude was left-handed, yet chose to wear his shield on his left hand as if he were right-handed. This led to a style in which opponents would often find themselves bludgeoned with his shield more often than they were attacked by his longsword.