Emerald Bathrobe of Piety

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Revision as of 14:30, 3 August 2016 by Miriamics (talk | contribs)
Type Accessory
Discovered By Lianna
Discovery Date 2015-12-29
Discovery Location Giask, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +10
Current Owner Sholan

Letter from Sholan A'Valti Ranger Ariana, I have had my prized Emerald Bathrobe sent your way. If you could have it repaired for me, I would be quite grateful. It is an atrocious thing to wear into battle, but it entertains me to do so when your enemy is quite visibly shocked to see you do so. Faithfully, Sholan A'Valti Suzerain Emperor of Luria Nova Royal of Luria Nova Duke of Sky Hall Margrave of Giask

===Ariana=== took the robe carefully in his hands, thinking how strange it would be to see a king wearing a bathrobe in a battle. "Well, Kings are always very strange people," she whispered to herself. She put the piece into his bag and walked the long road seeking a sage. Hearing rumors, she went to Dantooine but on the way, in Nid Tek, she found a wise man who promised to restore the delicate piece. She gave all that he asked but he left quickly with all the items and no improvement. Ariana thought she was lucky to still have the robe. Continuing the journey to Dantooine, she found only traces of the sage ... Waking up early, she prepared to travel to Lupa Lapu where other magician had been sighted, when she saw a strange figure walking in circles as if lost. It was a wise man, a stranger. Ariana approached cautiously the magician and asked if he could repair the robe. He looked the piece, and said he could not fix, but that he could improve it by 64 golds and some items. She gave him gold, not without fear, and the items he asked. The sage went behind some bushes and a loud noise could be heard from there. Suddenly, an explosion and a flash illuminated the still dark day. A fire appeared behind the bushes and Ariana started running. "He will burn the robe and Sholan will kill me." Before she could reach the fire, the fire vanished, just like that started. It was a magical fire. The magician gave the rope back to the woman and quickly packing his belongings, he vanished into thin air. Ariana took the robe, looked carefully and saw that now it has a thousand colors that shine when handled. It seemed that she was earning magic power when dressed. Whirling, she pretended to be a fairy and pointed to a frog, ordering him to jump without stopping. The frog started jumping with the spell and frightened, she quickly took off the robe, wrapped well and tucked it deep in the bag. Spell casting was not for anyone, especially her.