Valiant Aegis against Fire

From BattleMaster Wiki
Type Shield
Discovered By Krumm
Discovery Date 2015-05-13
Discovery Location Nyuushi, Dwilight
Abilities Prestige +5
Current Owner Krumm

The Discovery

Krumm was 21 years old, a thick headed, very tall and well-built, naive commoner, an adventurer in Dwilight, when he discovered the shield and took it from a Alpha monster.

Krumm was after the Great Troll Nonthogg for many months. He has been to Luria Nova, and then through Morek empire.

But one night when he gave up, he was hunting monsters in in his homeland Swordfell. In Nyuushi namely. He located a band of goblins, he chased them, then he found a warband and after the fight he found the cave.

There he was... Nonthogg... Krumm saw that he was carrying a silvery shield on his back...

After a long and hard fight Nonthogg's head was lying down below the hill that the lair was located.

Krumm held the shield and immideatly understood...

"This is a fine shiny, Krumm is happy!"