Marlboro Family/Paul

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Island: Dwilight
Realm: Farronite Republic

When Red Marlboro took over the family following his brother's attack, he put into play some ideas he had about expanding the house to other continents. They already had Benadicta on Beluaterra; why not use a similar metric elsewhere? The catalyst, as the warhorse had seen it, was war. Yes, Paul would be sent to a realm embroiled in war, to meet the enemy and destroy them. Wars expedited one's ascent from minor noble to lord, Red knew.

However, as usual, what he didn't know could fill an encyclopedia. Following harsh and unknowable pagan gods, he had no interest in organized religion. As a result, he was completely ignorant of the fact that Kabrinskia was a theocracy, and it was a crusade they'd begun. One other important fact: Paul Marlboro had no taste for war. He preferred the finer things in life, luxuries afforded by the tenuous blood connection to his wealthier cousins.

Upon landing in Dwilight, the first thing he did was visit a temple. There, he sought to learn more about the religion that ruled the land here, Sanguis Astroism. He received the blessings of initiation, but then was drawn into battle outside. The monsters in Dwilight were much more fearsome than the ones in Atamara, he quickly learned, and now he flees to Golden Farrow. The beautiful and dangerous Grandmistress Allison Kabrinski had offered him a generous estate in the city in exchange for his family's support, and he knew not that he was travelling from the cooking pan directly into the fire.

Paul Marlboro is tall and gaunt, straw blonde hair cut short in the military style favored by the family's men. He keeps a neatly-trimmed beard, and fights left-handed, which some consider to be dishonorable as it is difficult to defend against. His Farronite Shades made up of hardened, elite mercenaries led by Captain Jurgen, a notorious pirate. Though they carry an eclectic mix of expensive weapons and heavy armor, their real strengths are their fierce professionalism and tactical (and moral) flexibility.

Sir Paul's estate, the Dockside Manor in Golden Farrow, is an imposing stone fortress which as its name indicates overlooks the docks and much of the mercantile quarter. Springalds line the crenelations, and a great iron portcullis protects the main entrance. Inside, it is lavishly furnished, with paintings of battles and beautiful women hanging from the walls in the rooms, while thick rugs cover each floor.

Although initially billing himself as more of a lover than a fighter, after being thrust into the position of Vice-Marshal he discovered he did in fact enjoy the thrill of leading troops into battle, rising to the rank of Marshal after his friend and mentor Medron Pryde departed the continent. When the realm collapsed due to an internal power struggle, he was there to help pull the pieces back together, earning a place as its General.

Eventually, war loomed again, this time against the Theocracies, and the realm was destroyed. Paul emigrated to Asylon shortly before the endless monster occupation arose. Driven to being nomads, Paul followed his King and personal friend Grimrog to the very ends of the earth, but the death of His Majesty killed a bit of Paul as well. His mortality was finally reckoned by Lurian militia as he charged them in a haze of bloodlust.