The Oligarchian Observer/Edition:6

From BattleMaster Wiki The Oligarchian Observer
Cost: Free, unless, of course, you are Sirionite, Fontanese, or Old Rancaguan Supreme Master of the Newspaper: Hireshmontspace Volume: 6
The only newspaper that can laugh at itself!
  • THE newspaper for the truth about events on the Oligosirionifontanagua Front of the Great War!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Oligarchian government, merely a general accounting for the public.
  • Whenever we say, "Facts", what we mean is the explaination which best fits the evidence of action, not words.

On the Upswing!

March 15, 2006- We retook Oberndorf! Just a while back, we retook Poitiers, now Oberndorf! We had a recession, sure, but we're on the comeback now, for sure! TAKE THAT YOU NORTHERN TRINITARIANS!!!! YARR!!!! Beware: This has allowed us to speed up the operations of the Squirrels! Sirionites, you better WATCH YOUR BACKS!! The SQUIRRELS WILL TAKE VENGEEEAAAANNNCCCEEE!!! With Fontan beaten in Bescanon, and us retaking land in our areas... well... there is still definately hope!

Fines for Disobedience!

March 13, 2006- Well now, here's a welcome sight! Finally, disobedient TLs doing their own thing are getting punished! Go Donna Ragna! You keep dealing out those fines! I've been saying we should crack down on the "do your own thing" for a while now, maybe we'll do so now...

Hagley Rebels!

March 13, 2006- While Oberndorf is being retaken by Sirion, Hagley rebelled against Fontan! We could be on an up-turn here! Sure, they're rogue, but better rogue than Fontanese! Go Hagleyans! Now we just need to miraculously pull 10k CS out of our hat and we'll be set to go! Get ready, Doc, those squirrels will be attacking ina few years! ARF!!!


March 13, 2006- Good golly, I had to look this one up! We got a report saying 15k of Fontanese troops fought 7k of Perdanese troops in some place called BESCANON, and it was a tie! 15k vs 7k! 2 vs. 1 odds! Go Perdan! Anyways, I guess the Fontanese have been slipping'em in through Troyes. Have they been sneaking at all, actually? I havnt been reading enough scout reports lately...

The Northern Marches

March 12, 2006- Two events of importance occurred today! One bad, one mediocre... Ashforth was brutally taken over by Old Rancaguan forces. I swear, we WILL take revenge, one way or another, even if it menas throwing rubber duckies at you people! We WILL get revenge! The mediocre thing is that Oberndorf revolted from Sirion, becoming rogue. This is a dark day for Oligarch. But, we'll pull through.

Poitiers returned again!

March 10, 2006- We seem to be coming back a bit! Lalakis' raid successfully retook Poitiers! No region lord yet, but I believe we will have one soon enough! Hail Oligarch! In a few weeks, we'll have our land back... you just watch...

Rebellion SMASHED

March 10, 2006- The rebellion failed. 1 rebel, about 70 loyalists. He got smashed, and is hopefully on the way to the executioner! Anyways, as the pop-culture term definer for Oligarch, I name this affiar the NWO Incident!


March 10, 2006- Roth has called for a rebellion, the fool. Thus far, many, many people have become loyalists, and nobody has become a rebel. It will be an overwhelming loyalist victory. I predicted this a while back. If I hadnt been wounded, I would have known it was coming.... dag nabit...

News, News, News

March 10, 2006- I was out of action for a bit. So, here's what happenned. Lalakis was authorized to lead a 5k-ish raid into OR territory. He did so, and began TOs of Gadlock and Poitiers. Sirion marched through Bruck to attqack Gadlock and Poitiers. It looks to me as if his BG has been mostly destroyed by Sirionite forces.

Massacre in Greatbridge

March 9, 2006- Well, I dont know WHAT was going on here. We should have had more troop there... gosh... I thought our activity levels were on the rise.... guess not... anyways, I'm out of action for a bit... the bloody healers say I'm not fit enough to move. Blasted doctors...

Ashforth RESISTS!

March 7, 2006- After days of pillaging, robbing, raping, and killing, the valiant people of the city of Ashforth have refused to be put under the yoke of Old Rancagua(or Sirion, or whoever is TOing it!). They stand still with us! Get ready, Doccy and Allies, we're coming for you! The banners of six nations will ride together, the day is coming. I hear Sir Temple looks good in Spring, is that true? I suppose I'll have to wait and see!


March 7, 2006- The rebels have no begun defecting to Old Rancagua. We WILL hunt you down, each of you individually. You endangered those I love. This is not just between Oligarch and you, this is between ME and you, rebels. Your death threats against me are to no avail, because I know there are no infiltrators among you. Run while you can, but I WILL find you.


March 6, 2006- Its true! Recently, a number of TLs were plotting a large-scale rebellion! Luckily, it was headed off, because I, your loyal WCC Chairman, was able to infiltrate their councils, become one of them, and betray the traitors. There names, in case you find them in a dark ally, are: Eltharion(the ringleader and worst of the batch, he was to be the PM), Kolya, Loquan, Aramir(to be general), Anasalle(pardoned), Ammeria(to be banker, pardoned), Petrus, and, of course, me(candidate for Judge). Their master plan? Well, I was supposed to negotiate with Fuinur for a large scale attack simultaneously with the rebellion. They thought I organized the attack on Ashforth. Then they were going to stage a rebellion, which theyw ould have lost. AN overral poorly laid plan. Traitors all, though two have been pardoned due to confessions, and they have agreed to be monitored, and such like. NOTICE: Once we have the money, BOUNTIES WILL BE PLACED ON THE HEADS OF THE TRAITORS. BEWARE! They APPEAR to be fleeing to OR, seeking refuge. But only time will tell. This is a good and bad day for Oligarch! Bad, because we have found that we do in fact have active rebel activity occuring. Good, because we have succeeded in eliminating that threat! HAIL OLIGARCH! Also, a manhunt has begun to eliminate these people.


March 6, 2006- Well, we had a mediocre raid through Fontan. Looted some cash, didnt really distract many forces, but, oh well. It was entertaining. I got enough to recruit more troops than I left with, so I'm happy! :D

Volume 6!

March 6, 2006- Well, here we are! Providing news since... a few months ago... with more reads that some other people! A proud member of the OCPU News Franchise! The must singularly biased newspaper in East Continent, in favor of the good guys, us! Oligarch! We at the Oligarchian Observer bring you: Volume 6!