McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/Hamilton

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Roleplay from Hamilton Vita

Hamilton's messenger returned from Marshal Katalynfae with a strange expression on his face.

"Well, out with it!" Hamilton demanded.

"Sir, I do not believe it is proper to speak of." the scribe muttered.

"Tell me now boy! I need to remain aware of events occurring within the realm!"

"Well, sir, it appears I came across a private moment between Katalynfae and Kaylan..."

"Oh, really?" Hamilton interrupted.

"...and it appears she confessed a desire for true romance. Quite sincerely I might add," the messenger boy paused for a bit, "she cried, sir."

Hamilton dismissed the messenger boy. So her romance with knight Malcolm was not faring well. That was unfortunate. Perhaps it was his time to step in. He had heard stories of her beauty. Quickly he called a more trusted scribe for a dictation. Please send this to the lady, Kaylan, at once.

Dame Kaylan,

I must confess that a messenger came across a rather private moment of yours where you confessed something of importance to my marshal. A feeling for loss of love. I wish to console you and am preparing a feast in your honor. Arrange a time after the wedding and I shall meet you in Dulbin with a feast for an important lady such as you. Oh, and do you want me to punish the messenger boy at all?

Defender of Democracy,

Protector of Noble's Feudal Rights,

Former Banker and Marshal of the Confederacy,

Knight Hamilton Vita of Oligarch

Hamilton Vita (Knight of Oligarch)

Roleplay from KatalynFae Dragul

KatalynFae quickly through everything she would need into a bag. She had a coach waiting outside and no amount of coaxing would convince Dame Kaylan to ride with her, she preferred to ride her horse, declaring she preferred the open air. The miles flew by quickly and soon they were in An Najaf...

KatalynFae's brother Zadek was waiting for her, pacing nervously. He smiled at her approach and helped her from the coach. "Count Armstrong has rooms waiting for both of you", he said as he walked toward the Count's estate with Dame Kaylan and Lady KatalynFae.

He looked at his sister, she had such a glow. Hopefully this Jon Paul would be deserving of his beloved sister. Well only time would tell.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Kaylan followed behind this handsome young man and gave a smile to Lady KatalynFae displaying a small amount of nervousness. She knew it was a festival and a joyous event for the Lady as well and she should be happy. Only she was then reminded there would be a mass of guests and onlookers she hadn’t taken into consideration. That made her tense. She simply couldn’t help herself if she wasn’t careful anything could happen and that made her look over her shoulder, making sure they were alone.

Upon entering the estate she smiled and requested a moment for herself. She was directed to her room, and closed the door behind her. Taking a deep breath she was able to relax somewhat. Now she had to make preparations for the event, she had a dress, but she had a few things that still needed to be done. Looking through her bags, she retrieved her cloak, grateful she had been able to take it before leaving Sir Malcolm. She suddenly wondered how he was and paused. Her hand lingered over the cloak and she reached in the inner pocket. The small geode was still in the small velvet bag and she pulled it out to look at it. Let me be your shield-brother. His voice still resounded in her head and guilt began to creep in and she gave herself a shake. She gave a thought to what Lady KatalynFae said the previous night and sighed. How could she have let herself break down in front of her like that? The promise, a challenge, and everything the runes had foretold were nothing but illusions. How could she have even let herself believe it even for a moment? She knew such things weren’t meant for her. Putting the geode back in the cloak, she tried not to think of it.

There was a sudden knock at the door and she approached carefully. Opening the door slowly, she blinked when she noticed a man standing there. “Yes?” she frowned and he straightened. “Lady Kaylan,” he said confidently holding out his hand and she took the letter offered.

Opening it, she read carefully, at first she inhaled sharply and her eyes suddenly narrowed with anger. Her eyes burned with blue liquid fire and her nostrils flared. She was so affronted she lost control and crumpled the letter in her fist. She should have refrained herself but she was incredibly out of sorts. How dare he worm himself on such a private moment between her and Lady KatalynFae? No matter how he had come around the information, but to flaunt it? She was very unimpressed and looked to the man standing before her. “I believe I need not send a reply, Sir Hamilton will surely hear of my reaction, it seems he has eyes and ears where he should not.” With that she turned around and slammed the door.

Roleplay from Hamilton Vita

A different messenger boy arrives from Dame Kaylan, out of breath, and with fear on his eyes.

Sighing, Hamilton beckons him to talk.

"Sir, she does not wish a response. She seemed quite displeased."

"Very well," Hamilton said, dismissing the boy. "Aide! I want William, the messenger boy from the other day!" William was ushered into Hamilton's presence. "Handcuff him," Hamilton ordered. As this was done, Hamilton grabbed an axe. "As a sign of my mercy, I will afford you a beheading. Something far above your station in life." Quickly, Hamilton beheaded William. "Aide! Drain the blood, wrap it in a soft velvet cloth and deliver it to Kaylan with the following note."

Dame Kaylan,

I do not know what your thoughts were, but I did not invade your privacy. Once I learned of it though I could not ignore such a beautiful dame in distress. I offer the feast, again, to relieve you from such unfortunate thoughts.

In apology for my messenger boy's rudeness, Hamilton Vita

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Later that afternoon Kaylan was making her way back from her many errands and returned to her room. As she neared the hallway, she paused in mid-step as she noticed a young man looking around, appearing extremely distraught. He was holding something quite uncomfortably and when his eyes fell on her, he practically squeaked. Frowning she stopped, “are you alright boy?” He appeared ready to relieve himself and she changed her expression, giving him a reassuring smile. “My… my….” he stammered and instead looked away and held up the wrapped package.

Kaylan’s eyes narrowed immediately and she lifted the cover. The odor hit her and she lifted a hand to her nose. Next he handed her a letter and she recognized the seal. Keeping her face impassive this time, she read the note and then folded it neatly. She was a trained soldier, death was an every day occurrence for her, but she did not enjoy being the cause of this boy’s mortality, especially for one man’s desires.

Pursing her lip, she gave a thought and looked kindly to the aide. How to react without causing another boy to lose his life? “You will get rid of that, and return here with haste,” she ordered.

Kaylan entered her room and paced the room silently. It was a short while and the boy returned. You will return this note.

“Sir Hamilton,

I apologize for misinterpreting your intentions and I am grateful that you have reached out so quickly and taken care of this nuisance. I apologize for my rudeness and must regretfully decline. The only person I take offense to is you. Seeing as you are a man of action, perhaps in this case I will await your head instead?

Best regards,

Kaylan McDowell

The boy took the letter and she ruffled his hair. “Make sure to take your time before you deliver it.” She pressed gold into his hand, “enjoy the merriment of the festival first.”

Roleplay from Hamilton Vita

Hamilton quietly unfolded the note as he smiled in thoughts of what it could contain. As he read it, his smile grew. And then it began to sour. Surely, this could not be right. But it's what the note said. And the seal was hers. He had broken it himself too. Hamilton sat there alone, thinking. A tear crossed his cheek. To be scorned and misunderstood by such a fine lady. What to do? Slowly, he grabbed a pen and prepared a letter to the realm. Recent events had been too much for him.

Fellow Fontanese,

Today, I have been scorned by the most beautiful of women. Today, I have seen continued bloodshed between friends of mine. It is with these thoughts that I cannot live here no more. I shall make my way to Oligarch and sail for another land. Should you have recommendations I will accept them, but I fear I am too hated anymore for one to bother with a response. Dame Kaylan, I offer my sincere apologies. I leave my heart in these lands for you to mistreat as you wish.

Hamilton Vita (Knight of Oligarch)