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The contents on this page discuss a possible or hypothetical topic. It could be a guild, religion or even realm that is being planned to be set up in the future, or some speculations about past (unrecorded) history.
In short, this page does not outline something that you can currently find in the game.

Proposal of Helm Altenahr


The Mark of Earda is a successor realm to the lost realm of Aquilegia, which was itself built on the ruins of the ancient realm of Chersonis. It was founded by the Morek Empire as a bastion of Sanguis Astroism. Occupying the geographically unique Flow Peninsula, it forms a strong defence for the Astroist heartlands to its north. Its capital is Flowrestown.


When the Colonists arrived, they found an uneasy mix of people's inhabiting the lands. The dominant group were of Rekjak origin, descendants of those barbarians who had originally founded Chersonis under the rule of the Cushixa Dynasty. In the intervening centuries they had becaome celebrated horse warriors on the southern plains of Morek, but had been driven south by the expansion of the Morek Empire. The next largest group were the survivors of Aquilegia. People of mixed Eastern and Dongese origin. The last group were a select group of aristocratic families who claimed direct descent from ancient Chersonis.

The colonists convened a council of all the ethnic groups, under the authority of the Morek Empire. They convinced the majority of the chiefs gathered there, that their best hope of prospering was to found a new realm sanctioned by Morek. The Colonists recognised the fighting prowess and numerical superiority of the Rekjak, and they agreed a pact with the Chieftains, that the Rekjak would accept Sanguis Astroism and allow the Colonists to lead them if the Colonists were formally adopted into the Rekjak nation with the rank of Clan Chief. Thus they were able to command the tribesmen and found the Mark of Earda.


Although not a theocracy, Earda is solidly Astromancy. No other temples may exist in the realm.


The Eardans are are noble and brave warriors. Each clan brings their own method of warfare to the battle field. Because of the diversity they are able to able to rise to any task put before them.

One clan are noted horse warriors and their armies are heavy in cavalry. The first recrutiment center they build is a cavalry recruitment center and must be built before he erects any other type is even considered. This results in a unique method of warfare not prevalent anywhere else on the continent.


The Mark of Earda is run by Clans which are as important and powerful as the government. Most important decisions must be approved by the High Council of Clans.

Just below the High Council of Clans is the Council of Lords which is made up of the current region lords.

The region lords relationship to their knights is closer than in other realms. By Law, no knight may be prosecuted without the agreement of his clan lord. But equally, if the Clan lord does not ensure the proper behaviour of his knights then he is as liable as if he committed the offence himself.


The Mark of Earda combines the militaristic culture of the Rekjak horse barbarians with the organsation and discipline of the Morek Empire. It is a vigorous fusion under which many arts, crafts, poetry and storytelling thrive. Underpinning it all is a heroic approach to life.


Must have at least four members to found a clan. One of the members bust be a current region lord in order to construct the clan house. While different clans may disagree at times what times them all together is the common duty to the realm.


Ruler is elected every three months by realm vote. Judge is elected every month by realm vote. Banker is elected every month by realm vote. General is elected every month by realm vote. Region lords are appointed by by vote of current region lords. Ducal seat of Flowerstorm is given to current ruler.


The Laws of the Mark can be found Here.

1. The High Council of Clans is the primary legislative body. Its members are the Clan (region) Lords and all changes to law must go through a vote of the High Council. The Ruler and Judge both have a right of veto to any change in law.

2. Knights cannot be prosecuted without agreement of their clan lord. But if a clan lord refuses to agree, then prosecution can still take place if agreed by a vote of the High council.

3. Prosecution of a Clan lord can only take place if agreed by a vote of the High Council.

4. Any prosecution must be done by fair trial. The Judge will present evidence and propose a sentence, the High Council will vote on guilt.

5. Duelling is a matter of honour and is always allowed. If both parties agree then any issue, even that of law, can be resolved by a duel.

6. Only temples of Sanguis Astrum may be built in the realm. If the temple of another religion is aquired, then the clan lord of that region is permitted to close it down, but is not allowed to loot or burn it.

7. The type and extent of any looting allowed will be set by the general. No looting can be conducted without orders from the general.

8. Maintenance of regions: Clan Lords are responsible for the maintenance of their own regions and knights. Should there be a failure to properly care for these, action will be initiated for the removal of the offending region lord.

9. Disregard of orders from the chain of command: Nobles found to be guilty of disobeying an order from their direct superior, such as their Lord or Marshal, may be punished with fines. Repeat and blatant violations of this law may result in serious punishments such as loss of non-feudal positions and expulsion from the realm.

10.Treason: Nobles found guilty of espionage, conspiracy against the realm or other instances of treason will be expelled from the realm. And if subsequently captured may be executed.

Language and Key Words

The language of Earda is a variant of Old Rekjak interspersed with more modern terms:
[NB Old English, with a nod to Tolkien's "The Riders of Rohan"]

Eard - Homeland
Mark - Borderland
Hence "The Mark of Earda"

Cyning/Cwen = king/Queen
Hildcyning = Battle King.
Hordweard = Guardian of Treasure (Treasurer)
Heretoga = Leader of the Army (General)
Domwita = Doom Advisor (Judge)

Eohere = Horse Army
Eohrod = Horse Troop
Fyrd = General Levy
eg. "The Eohrod of the Hearthmen"
eg. "The Eohere of the Great Fyrd"

Realm Preferences

Maxter- Republic
Erevos -Democracy or Republic
Bowie - Democracy (done safely and right)
Helm - Monarchy or Republic
Abbigal = Democracy(with adopted realm laws/bill of rights)

Standing Laws Proposed by Bowie Ironsides (In construction)

If the realm is to be a Democracy, and if it is to encourage factions and clans, then there should be laws set up to dictate the way the factions may behave so that no single regime can ruin the realm out of self-interest and extremely hostile actions.

So, such a summary could be:

The factions rule the realm through their advocates in the government. If one faction has the majority of nobles in the government then they form a regime. Nobles in positions of power have authority to lead the realm with their policies so long as they do not break the Laws of the Realm. Policies may include direction on economy, military structure, diplomacy, religion and appointments during the time of the regime’s time in office. These matters form the Law of the Land. The Law of the Land is built through referendums proposed by the regime to the nobility of the realm. These laws are binding to the entire nobility once installed and can only be challenged by a second referendum. The Laws of the Land are fluid and changing, versus the Laws of the Realm which are forever binding and are built to safeguard the integrity of the Throne and to protect the nobility. The Laws of the Land will be built up through each successive regime, who will add their views to the tapestry of the realm.

The Laws of the Land:

1. All nobles must be an active member of the realm. Activities include obeying the military order, participating in the society, and actively seeking the improvement and progress of the realm. If a noble is inactive to the point of hindering the realm (especially in positions of responsibility) they are to be challenged and possibly removed. If a noble is behaving in a way that does not contribute to the realm then they will be scolded and eventually punished.

2. Politics is an encouraged element of the realm, but that does not give a noble freedom to behave disrespectfully or dishonourably toward a fellow realm mate. You are not enemies, just opponents. You are peers. The realm is composed of various factions and views who work to further the Throne. One view may be different from the other, as it is supposed to be, but no view is antagonistic to the realm.


The Laws of the Realm (tentative):

1. A regime in power must respect opposition and cannot, for any reason save for treason or conspiracy (charges that must be brought to the whole realm and not just the inclusive regime) ban, depose, fine or exclude a member of the realm. This of course does not mean that a judge of the regime cannot exercise their duties over disrespectful or unruly nobles, only that they must not abuse their position against their political adversaries.

2. The regime cannot ignore the Laws of the Land installed prior to their rise to power. If they desire to challenge a Law of the Land they must hold a referendum. Only then can they remove a Law.

3. If a regime makes an appointment of land or rank (in the military), the following regime cannot recall that appointment to favour their own. They must respect the choice made by their predecessors.
