Aren/Babar Elixir

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The Babar are natives of Irdalni who are feared across Aren and are rumored to be cannibals. They produce a potent concoction known only as the "Elixir".


A few days before

“M’lord, there have been reports of Babar threatening the safety of locals. There have been reports of a group of Babars attacking an outpost of 40 men and managing to kill around half of them.” Captain Aldebrand reported

“How dare they rise up against me, how many were they in the attack?” Johan questioned.

Captain Aldebrand replied “M’lord, reports have varied between 10-12 Babar men armed with basic weapons.”

“How did 40 heavily armed men managed to lose to 10 natives armed with nothing but sticks and stone? Captain, you have some explaining to do.” Johan was questioned Aldebrand again.

“M’lord, it appears that they were intoxicated with some kind of elixir that made them feel no pain and fear no death, each Babar men were fighting off 5 men by themselves and their eyes were red with blood.” Captain replied.

Johan was intrigued by the idea of the elixir that would have major benefits for the armies of Aren, he thought to himself ‘If indeed this elixir is as said, Aren will possess the strongest army in the world’

“Bring me the elixir maker, take as many men as needed” Johan ordered his captain.

This morning

“M’lord, we managed to raid the Babar village and brought back the head shaman who is responsible for the production of the elixir, we also managed to bring back some of the elixir” Aldebrand reported to Johan.

“If you fear for your village, give me the elixir that is the secret of the strength of the Babar” Johan threatened the shaman.

The elderly Babar shaman was defiant at first but was eventually broken by Johan threat and agreed to make the elixir for the army of Aren.

Johan had a taste of the elixir that was brought back to the castle. He had a sudden rush in his veins after taking some of the elixir and he felt like he was 30 years younger. He was challenging and defeating his guards who were much younger than him, singlehandedly. However he was a changed man, and was filled with emotions that he had never felt before. The elixir had brought out a side in Johan that was never seen.

“Guards! Send word to Khan Malice and tell his highness that we have found a new weapon of war."