Dwilight/The Royal Duel

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The Story

The following retells the events leading up to the duel between two royals, Queen Alice Arundel of Luria Nova and Grand Duke Skyndarbau Melphrydd of Fissoa during the year 1013.

From Friend to Foe

In the year 1013, Fissoa was carrying out an invasion of the Madinan Isle against the Falkirkian Freestate. Its allies at the time it declared war were the Republic of D'Hara and the Kingdom of Luria Nova. These allies hated one another, their only common interests being the preservation (and eventual recruitment) of Fissoa and the consolidation of lands they both claimed. As the war progressed, tensions began growing between the Grand Duke of Fissoa and the Queen of Luria Nova. The latter contributed minimal military forces - due to a number of contributing factors - when a lot more was promised. The former highlighted this fact and proceeded to criticize, which the latter took offense too. This, however, was only a spark. As mentioned previously, the two supporting allies to Fissoa hated one another. Luria Nova kept offering hostile rhetoric to D'Hara, while D'Hara shot back hostile words of its own. Their feud was bitter, and both tried rallying potential allies for a future conflict. Fissoa, being one such ally, was being courted by both sides. Luria Nova wished for Fissoa to remain neutral in a future conflict and join the Lurian Empire, while D'Hara sought to enlist Fissoa as a contributing ally to fight against Luria Nova should the kingdom invade. During the disagreement invoked by lack of military contribution, the Queen of Luria Nova received intelligence containing letters between the Grand Duke of Fissoa and the Prime Minister of D'Hara. She took incredible offense to the Grand Duke's words, and proceeded to act.

That is where the following letters continue from:

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Rulers of Dwilight,

The Grand Duchy of Fissoa has incurred grievance upon its ally, Luria Nova. The sudden knowledge of schemes concocted against Luria Nova, the betrayal of trust, and the uncalled deliverance of insults by the Grand Duchy of Fissoa have pushed Luria Nova into fury. As Queen regnant of Luria Nova, I hereby nullify the alliance between our two realms as a result of these grievances. By doing so, Luria Nova also withdraws from the southern war as it no longer supports its former ally. Peace treaties with Aurvandil and the Falkirkian Freestate will hopefully ensue, and reparations will be paid by Luria Nova for the damage done to their respective holdings.

Luria Nova will strive for peace with the Grand Duchy of Fissoa as well, should the schemes previously mentioned not come to fruition.


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Queen Alice,

You know I have ever advocated peace between D'Hara and Luria Nova, even though neither of you seemed to have it so. From both sides I have heard reasons why war would be just, and both had wisdom in their words. As war became more and more inevitable, instead of speaking in favour of either of you, I decided to take up defence for you both. As I wrote to the Prime Minister, this meant I would inform him should you prepare an attack on his lands. But I would have done the same for Luria Nova, should D'Hara have plotted against you. To call these schemes is pure politics, and nothing of the above should be surprising to you, considering our history with all parties involved. The only thing that could explain your reaction is that Luria Nova is indeed scheming against D'Hara in some way. But I honestly wouldn't know.

Luria Nova contacted me with the invitation of joining the Lurian Empire. As your realm, and you personally, have failed to follow up on written promises, I asked for guarantees on different levels. You admitted these were all within the limits of the reasonable, yet you failed to offer any compromise and simply retracted the invitation. This is no way to conduct negotiations with an allied realm.

Despite this shortcoming, you promised to aid our cause nonetheless. It is now clear that you simply needed time to fabricate a reason to pull out of this war. You asked for peace with Aurvandil several times, despite you fully knowing that relinquishing the Madinian Isle is unacceptable for us. I swept this, and other things, under the rug under the pretense of friendship. I should have known better. One day, years past, Fissoa rushed to the aid of House Arundel, and of Pian en Luries. Despite unsurmountable odds, we declared war on Luria Nova and Solaria. Only days later, Queen Katerina decided to throw it all away. Days of hardship commenced for Fissoa, and I relinquished my throne. My realm is recovering from the conflict still.

Yet in the face of this Arundel failure, which you promised to make reparations for (but have still refrained to do so), it is you who call Fissoa a betrayal of trust. This is ridiculous.

For the record: Fissoa does not intend to scheme against Luria Nova, and even if we wanted to we will be having our hands more than full against Falkirk and Aurvandil. Peace between our realms is all I desire at this point, though I must admit you have deeply grieved me once more. You had the chance of constructing a strong bond between our realms, the foundation of a new era, and you chose to throw it all away over some hurt feelings.

Caspius in Sorraine, Katarina in Pian en Luries. Your House has a patent on disappointment.


Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa
Royal of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Duke of Madina

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Grand Duke Skyndarbau,

On the contrary, you explicitly stated that you would report on the progress and details of the Empire. What does the Empire have to with D'Hara at all, save offer it an insight on the internal politics of my realm? When it came do advocating for one side or the other, you clearly defended D'Hara in every capacity of the word. Clearly, what "would have happened" is of no concern here because it is not what actually happened. How can you possibly justify yourself through the use of hypothetical situations?

Luria Nova contacted you with an invitation to join the Empire. After you denied the invitation, we attempted to negotiate on several matters. When it came to written promises, I proceeded to apologize for my shortcomings, offering a compromise thereafter for the benefit of both our realms. However, in return I was showered with storm of insults that were completely uncalled for, considering I had just apologized! That is no way to conduct negotiations with an allied realm.

Now you twist my statements to your own advantage. I suggested peace - I did not ask for it - but I also stated that Luria Nova would abide by any decision made. If Fissoa wanted war, then Luria Nova would follow without protest And it did follow without protest! You seem to forget that Luria Nova came to Fissoa's aid the minute it shouted the call. You personally sent me the request for my forces, and I granted them without hesitation. And so my troops came to your aid, and you delivered your appreciation. But it seems you feinted your feelings entirely, stating later on that my forces made good "reinforcements," demanding more and more like some spoiled child when you were in no position to do so.

You want to complain about reparations? How about you make a price, so that I can actually pay you something. This issue is utterly ridiculous, considering the first steps are yours to take.

In the end, you were the one who had a chance to create a strong bond between our realms, and you threw it all away to be in bed with D'Hara.

Caspius in Sorraine, Katerina in Pian en Luries. One was murdered by his cousin, and the other hanged herself in depression. If anything, my house has a patent on tragedy. And to think you were once Katerina's friend. Truly, your cruelty knows no bounds, does it?


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Queen Alice,

There is little you could say to make a response worth reading. You are a bully, little more, and the wind that fills your sails is capricious at best, fractious at worst. If you do not want your toes stepped on, then get off the world stage.

His grace is fully capable of defending himself, as he has well proven. I simply want the rest of our peers to know how very right he is.

Rynn JeVondair
Prime Minister of D'Hara
Royal of D'Hara

Duke of Raviel

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Prime Minister Rynn,

My quarrel is with the Grand Duke, and I am sure he can handle his own. You and I have danced many a song, and I grow tired of you stepping on my toes.

If you wish to partake, then send your armies. Otherwise, speak to your echo because I will not be responding.


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Grand Duke Skyndarbau,

Every time I have my lady-in-waiting read me your letter, I feel your insults weighing down on me more and more. You have slandered my house grievously, and I will not tolerate it.

I hereby challenge you to a duel. Either retract your statement, or face the humiliation of defeat by way of sword.


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Your Royal Majesty,

Queen Alice, Mylady Arundel,

After some deliberation, I have decided the only honourable way for us to proceed, is for me to accept your challenge. It grieves me things have progressed to this point, but I do not intent to further taint your honour by declining your offer to a duel. I hope that through this venture, the air between us personally and our realms can be cleared, in order for proper diplomacy to be resumed.

I suggest we limit ourselves to private correspondence regarding our seconds, the decision on a location of your choice, and an exchange of wills. These are considered costumary in my lands of origin, and I will extend more information on all three subjects if needed.


Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa
Royal of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Duke of Madina

Message sent to the Rulers of Dwilight (17 recipients)
Grand Duke Skyndarbau,

How calculated of you to paint yourself a humble and caring nobleman.

Let every ruler in Dwilight know that we fight to the death. The Bloodstars shall rule over our fates in the coming days.

Faithfully Luria's,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Grand Duke Skyndarbau,

I would like the duel to begin as soon as possible, and I would like it held in Askileon, the capital of Luria Nova. We will clash swords in the Pianese Ducal Palace, or what used to be the old Pianese Royal Palace. I will not have it any other way.

I have requested Duchess Alanna Anaris to be my second, for her enduring support to the realm and I. She represents everything that I am, and so much more.

When you arrive, I will exchange you my will for yours. Until then, I await impatiently.


Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask


Grand Duke Skyndarbau would agree to Queen Alice's requests, and begin his journey to Luria Nova - or so Alice thought.

Message sent to Alice Arundel
Your Royal Majesty,

I have initiated the voyage to Askileon. My Marshal, Lord Waldor Graves, will meet me in the Palm Sea in order to escort me to our destiny.

Route from Fissoa to Askileon: Scribe Note


Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa
Royal of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Duke of Madina

Message sent to Alice Arundel
Honoured Queen Alice,

I had hoped Fissoa would have enough time to resolve its tensions with Luria before Aurvandil laid waste to our lands. Of course, fortune is never so kind. Having just stood against their entire force alone, I am lucky to be alive.

Queen Alice, I know the Grand Duke is currently dallying due to some offered meet with Prime Minister Rynn. I know our High Marshal is off riding into your lands. With us under assault as it stands, I do not know how wise it is for us to persist with the duel in the immediate sense.

After discussions behind closed doors, it seems I will be the elected Grand Duchess when the Grand Duke steps down. I would prefer not to be leader over a realm of bodies and torched villages. I am affected enough by the rapine and slaughter I have observed fleeing my own region. If there is any desire on your part for us to remain at your borders, not Aurvandil, then I ask, humbly, a cry of desperation, that you come to our aid. I know you may not be able to do so, and I understand, but I must ask lest my realm be torn apart.

Should you come to our aid in this hour, I can promise our own humbled state in further negotiations. I would be willing to see us your vassal instead of, every year, being the small State that always needs help from you for own designs. A lot of this can be laid at the feet of our leaders who have favoured our swords over diplomacy, but the times are changing and we need to recognise our own limits.


Selene Aristilien
High Chancellor of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Countess of Mangai

Message sent to everyone in message group "Privy Council"
Those Privy,

The Grand Duke dares meet with the Prime Minister and retain his own title still? I kept calling him the former Grand Duke because I expected him to follow through with his promises. This plea is commendable as it comes from someone I trust, but I am inclined to declare war as a result of the Grand Duke's heinous and atrocious behavior towards me. Someone offer me a piece of good advise before I ravage Fissoa's remaining territories.

With dwindling patience,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Rynn JeVondair
Your Highness,

I highly suggest you bring Prime Minister Rynn with you to Askileon, before I bring war to your realm and salt the earth beneath your vassals' feet. You insulted my late cousins and my house, and now you insult me again by disregarding our duel for a meeting with the Tomb Island's most venomous snake!

I have never felt so angry in my entire life as I do now! I did not get this angry when Malus Solari, Tybalt Crusader, Fulco D'Este, and Brom Silverfire killed my beloved cousin! I did not get this angry when my former husband incarcerated me in his dungeon, and proceeded to do horrible things to me! And I did not get this angry when I blinded myself in a fit of religious rage!

You either come "directly" to Askileon, as you told me, or you let everyone you care about die! The Maddening Star be witness to my boiling blood!

Now or never,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to Alice Arundel, Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Queen Alice,

I would advise patience, rather than invite war unless you truly wish to test how potent my venom can be. If Lurian forces march on Fissoa, they will find the Privateers bolstered side by side by the Dragon Corps. Your realm has grown strong, Your Majesty, but you do not have the strength to challenge both of us at once. You loose nothing by bidding your time and allowing His Grace to finalize his arrangements, as is only proper where a duel to the death is concerned.

Rynn JeVondair
Prime Minister of D'Hara
Royal of D'Hara

Duke of Raviel

Message sent to Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Rynn JeVondair
Prime Minister Rynn,

Oh yes, I seem to remember the might of the Dragon Corps. The last I saw them was during the Lurian conquest of Luria Vesperi, and they really proved mighty indeed. Or do I have my facts wrong? I seem to remember wave after wave of soldiers dying in the Shinnen farmlands. I am sure of it now: it was the Dragon Corps - along with the Vesperians - falling against the might of Lurian swords and shields! Does this mean Fissoa will face the same fate? Will I be its Grand Duchess just like I am Luria Vesperi's Queen?

I sincerely hope not. I understand the necessity for arrangements. They are asked for and granted by each party. However, the Grand Duke informed me he was heading "directly" to Askileon. Not a word was mentioned about you or a meeting with D'Harans outside Askileon. Do we remember why Fissoa and Luria Nova broke their alliance in the first place?

So quit your needless hissing, Prime Minister. The Grand Duke delivered insult unto me, and I have just cause for war as a result. Our duel was meant to settle the bad blood. If the Grand Duke wishes to neglect that, then I am left with no other choice.

That is the price of justice.

Now or never,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

Message sent to Alice Arundel, Rynn JeVondair
Your Royal Highness,

Please rein in your anger. It is unwarranted, I assure you. Prime Minister, thank you for your passion - but right now it is of no help.

Sure, I am currently waiting in Drowenton to receive Prime Minister Rynn and his wife, in order to say goodbye to them. I have never been a man to take half actions, and have been thourough in my preperation. For several days now, I have received visits and letters from around the continent, of support and otherwise - not only D'Hara is eager to see me off, it seems. I have been preparing my realm for the possibility of my demise, looking for a successor and constructing a new retinue around him, as I intend to step down from my position after our duel, regardless of the outcome.

Also, as I informed you, an Aurvandil force is currently laying waste to our lands. That you care not for my people in a way I cared for the Pianese is something you have made clear already, however I am sure you can understand a monarch looks after his own, at least. I don't intend to let this hold me here indefinitely, though, it is only a factor that has slowed me down. How could you ever expect me to simply pack up and leave, whilst the countryside burns?

What you are accusing me of is factually incorrect. I don't intend to shove off your frustrations simply on a technicality, but after I accepted your challenge, I simply stated I initiated the journey to Askileon. Surely you understand the distance is not to be underestimated, as your Marshal can inform you.

Lastly, it is costumary for the challenged to choose the duelling grounds. In order to not anger you any further, I chose to relinquish this right and give you what you wanted. It is easy for you to boil with anger because a calendar date is not as rigid as you perceived it to be: you can sit at home waiting, fostering your frustrations, and your realm does not burn, nor do you seek a heir to the throne.

As I have said: I am coming to Askileon as soon as I can. After I have finished my business with Prime Minister Rynn and the Governor-General, the Suffete of Barca, with friends both Fissoan and otherwise. Depending on the Prime Minister's current location, I hope to leave Drowenton in a matter of days.


Skyndarbau Melphrydd
Grand Duke of Grand Duchy of Fissoa
Royal of Grand Duchy of Fissoa

Duke of Madina

Message sent to Skyndarbau Melphrydd, Rynn JeVondair
Your Highness,

I answered your call once before, and I was met with ingratitude and backroom politics I did not care for. My debt was paid to you; whether or not you found it sufficient enough I do not care. After insulting my house and my-late cousins, I should have called for a blood debt from you and your house in return.

Yet you dare talk down to me as if you care more about your own people than I do. I cared for your people enough that I did not punish them for your heinous behavior and incredibly provoking actions. I cared enough to share with them what you and the Prime Minister were doing, and concern was rightfully raised against the both of you (within Fissoa.) I now care for your people to the point where I would gladly support a new Grand Duke and a new Fissoa, yet you still hold the title like a leech does its victim's ankle. Paint me the villain if you like, but I am only as I am now as a result of your actions. Luria is at is now as a result of your actions. Yet you babble on about calm and reining in anger. Where was your calm when you insulted me, Caspius, Katerina, and House Arundel before all the rulers on this continent? Swallow your own words before spitting them at me, hypocrite.

If you wish to debate facts, then I point to your statements, specifically: "My Marshal, Lord Waldor Graves, will meet me in the Palm Sea in order to escort me to our destiny." Oddly enough, you are in Drowenton, while Lord Marshal Waldor Graves is in the region of Mellifera. He escorts a ghost, while you dilly dally; I have every right to be angry.

In the end, your people continue to suffer because you let them. You spend your time entertaining snakes and schemers, while the noblewoman you slandered from here to Beluaterra awaits your arrival impatiently in Askileon. I do not care for your traditions because you broke them only a week ago. I do not care for your honor because you did not care for those who lacked the ability to defend their own. I do not care if you are disturbed by my anger because you already disturbed the graves with yours. I do not care for your visitors because my blade will be the last one you remember. If you had the good sense to talk cleanly in the first place, we would not be in this situation. It is far too late now.

This is on you, and you can thank the Prime Minister and his many plots for that result.

Come die, or I will come find you and kill you. I suppose the Prime Minister should keep an eye on his door from here on in as well: I did promise to kill him with my own bare hands after all. I take it he has not forgotten.

Now or never,

Alice Arundel
Queen of Luria Nova
Royal of Luria Nova

Duchess of Giask

The Duel