New Westmoor

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New Westmoor.jpg

 Zakilevo Lapallanch elected again as Sirion PM 5 January 1013

Zakilevo, the man responsible for the last war against Westmoor, has once again been elected to the position of Primeminister of the elven lands. Zakilevo has served numerous roles throughout Sirion in the past including two terms as General once as ruler (now twice) and a reformation of the church of the holy sacred grove as priest. He is mistrusted by the nobility of Westmoor and largey seen as anti-westmoorian which will undoubtedly raise blood pressure here.

In other related news Sirion is without a banker at this time.

Perdan replies to Armonia

King ]\[osferatu Reapers of Perdan has written to the rulers of East continent to thank Queen Autrey for bringing the matter of the assassin attempt to his attention (reported by us on the 3rd of this month) promising punishment to the culprit.

 Assassin in Itor Boss 3 January 1013

A noble from Perdan by the name of Nigel De La Fere is apparently wanted in Armonia after attempting to assassinate former judge Barzelli Sarracenia inside the Armonian region of Itor Boss. Queen Autrey Bendix has written to all rulers of the continent to demand an explanation from King ]\[osferatu Reapers the monarch of Perdan.

Rulers of the East,

Nigel De La Fere, Knight of Montauban, Noble of Perdan, has attempted to assassinate Barzelli Sarracenia in the region of Itor Boss, and on the first day of his retirement, too!

This obviously requires an explanation. King Nosferatu, do you know anything about this?
Lady Autrey Bendix
Queen of Armonía
Duchess of Itorunt
Margravine of Itorunt

Some of you may remember Barzelli as one of the last former generals of old Ibladesh. It is not known at this time whether Sir Nigel was imprisoned after his attempt. More on this story as it unfolds.




Regional News
5 January 1013

New Ruler Elected
The realm of Sirion has elected Zakilevo Lapallanch as its new Prime Minister.

3 January 1013

New Knight A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Leopold Vanderyork is starting his career today. He originates from Hagley. He comes from a new noble family.