Perdan Pride Index/Issue 2

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PerdanShield.jpg Perdan Pride
1 Gold Perdan's Pride Since Whenever it Came Out! 2nd Issue
Perdan's First Newspaper!
Campaign Proceeds with Full Force
Just today, after a very long and hard battle, Perdan has emerged victorious in it's efforts to invade Ibladesh City. As this newspaper is being written up, Perdanese troops have taken no less than 600 gold alone in looting.

While Perdan troops are relatively battered, there are rumors that Ubent is sending aid, and that more Perdanese troops may be on their way.

Before the battle statistics are revealed, let it be known the path of this war. First, Perdan invaded the the region just west of Al Arab, an Ibladeshian stronghold. From there the commenced easterly, moving through Al Aquabah with a short and rather unlived battle. Shortly there after, orders were given to march to Ibladesh city, for all troops in Al Aquabah that could make it.

It was from those orders that the very doom of Ibladesh may become true! While this is the first time that Ibladesh City, the largest city on the entirity of the east continent, has ever been invaded. There are beliefs that Ibladeshian reinforcements may arrive from the south and east, as Ibladesh and Yssaria try to save their ally.

Even if they do manage to remove the Perdanese and Ubentian troops from their allies capital city, Perdanese may very well have stolen enough in gold to refinance their army rather well with the coming weeks taxes.

The fighting in Ibladesh lasted all night of the last day of February into the morning of March first, and a good part of the first of March as well. In their first battle, it has been reported, that a number of nobles were injured. The list of the injured is shown on the next page.

That however, was just the first battle. It was the second battle, that brought the Perdanese to victory. For the first battle, was ended undecisively. The list of injured is also shown on the next page as well.

Itorunt Takes the West
In other news, it has been reported that Itorunt has taken control of the western Ibladeshian territories known as: Zawr and Az Zarqua. The reason for this shift in allegiance is not yet known, but according to other public sources, it is due to rebellion. Perdanese nobles feel that it was probably done as a political move from Ibladesh. Whatever it's cause, it has given Itorunt a total of 12 regions.