Caligan Courier/March'06

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Caligus icon.PNGThe Caligan Courier March '06Caligus icon.PNG
Price: Free unless Yssarian ------------------------------------------ Printed In Domus ---------------------------------------- Editors: Twinblade

Its Offical!

The Caligan Courier has signed the OCPU Newpaper Franchise! Huray! Free drinks on me!

Ibladesh on Hands and Knees

Get this. From an informer, i came across quite a pathetic message fromt he Minister of Finances in Ibladesh, by name, Misty. The message said:

"Roleplay from Misty (10 recipients) (3 hours, 53 minutes ago) Message sent to: Circle, Samson, Manfred, Antan, Axel, Achilles, Paul, Billy Bob Brubaker, Vlad, Lancelot

Lady Misty:

Friends... Enemies... Accuatences; No matter what we are to one another we all have the same goal in the end, Am I right? We all wish to strive, profit and do the best for our realms. The people of Ibladesh is currently in need of food and paying hansomly to the provider of that food source; Weather your an enemy or a friend at the end of the day each and every one of you wants to do the best thing for your realm and at this current time the best thing for your realms is to earn your self a substancial ammount of gold. If you have food to sell; if you have food to spare, Let me know and you will not regret it. Thank you for listening.

Misty Fiduciary of Ibladesh, Countess of Oc Lu Pesh"

Is that Pathetic or What? Well Ibladesh you wouldnt be in this mess if you wouldnt have turned your back on the SA. What comes around goes around, and what can I say? Its your go around!

Possible New Franchise?

The Caligan Courier's head and only editor Twinblade (me) has been chatting with the editor/s of the Oligarchian Observer. Rough plans and Ideas have come to a possible Franchise of the SA (of East continent) journalist. To see more or should i say read more of how this got started, go here Talk:Caligan Courier