Unwin Family

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House Unwin

House Unwin was once an influential and prosperous family among the nobility of Dwilight. Unfortunately, poor management and a great deal of pride reduced this once great House to a state of mediocrity and poverty. After generations of life amongst the lesser noble families of Dwilight House Unwin has finally managed to recover a large measure of its losses under the guidance of Lord Adney. Once again, House Unwin has possession of wealth and influence. While still struggling to maintain its newly restored place amongst the greater nobility of Dwilight, House Unwin is ready to show its true worth.


A middle son of Lord Adney, Brantley is the first Troop Leader House Unwin has managed to field in three generations. Of average height and build (6 feet and 190 pounds) and of plain features, Brantley does not immediately command ones attention. When in a fit of rage or frustration, however, his intensity more than makes up for this.

Brantly has chosen the life of a dedicated priest over that of a warrior. He strives to be considerate and open but can still be a bit direct and short when his patientce runs thin. He has come to greatly respect Alice Arundel and Bipel Coldchect. He has a strong dislike towards Sevastian Guile but has done his best to keep this to himself.

Brantly always tries to be a voice of reason and often tries to mediate disputes - even when not asked to. At the same time he never claims to know better and avoids giving direct orders or unasked opinions.


The eldest son of Lord Adney, Alric is arrogant, bloodthirsty, rough, selfish and cruel. He feels entitled to a pleasent life and believes that it is within his right to take whatever he desires. He easily takes affront and seeks to solve most problems with violence. He has litle respect for the lives of fellow nobility and no respect for the life of anything else. He will attempt to induldge in his gread, cruility and pettyness whenever possible.

Alric's father did not approve of his young sons tendancies and felt helpless in effecting change in the child. As a last resort, Alric was sent to serve and train under a family friend - a man of the lesser nobility who led miliia in Cathay. Alric has since become a Troop Leader but he now holds a grudge against his father.