Dwilight University/Theology/The Green Hind

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The Green Hind

by Glaumring Apasurain

There is in a jungle south of Asylon a tangled mass of vines and trees and paths that man does not often travel on,

Once a small man from Asylon, a dwarf who was drunk found himself lost in this place and alone

He gnashed his teeth and cried in the night and with his ale and chocolates made such a noise and a fright,

Owls and and some wild chickens came out of the sky and bit him upon his shiny head and tore his tunic.

The moon was out and full now and the dwarf was in a glade,

He called out "Witty woo woo woo loo loo loo" in the ancient Asylonian way but none did heed his call or save him,

Dew collected on every leaf and glinted now like diamonds, the dark black of heaven was like a cloak all around and hid ghosts and knife wielding Goblins.

The Dwarf then fell to his knee and rolled about with chocolate on his mouth and drank his ale with tears in his eye

When out of the sky on a path of gold came a deer of the greenest emerald of colors.

The deer looked about and began to poo out a trail and the dwarf was fascinated and followed it where ever it did go

For days the Green hind pooed and pooed and the dwarf was filled with glee, he forgot his sadness and found that every creek the hind did pass turned into Ale and every mushroom turned into a bit of cheese.

So finally the dwarf and the Green hind found themselves on the edge of the kingdom of Asylon and the Green hind turned and said to the Dwarf

" Fine dwarf did you see? Do you see now where you went and where now you be?"

And the dwarf nodded danced about his home within sight.

"Remember me when you are lost, the magic poo of the Green hind, for it is sacred and will always if followed take you home"

--- And this is why to this day the green hind is revered in Asylon as a friendly trickster animal that delivers lost men home and provides them with creeks of ale and chocolate and cheese. And every child is told this story and to remember it as the most important folk tale in Asylon.