Sanguis Astroism/Writings/Scroll of Understanding

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Scroll of Understanding

This being a Scroll of Understanding, written by a young worshiper of the Stars, upon gaining insights concerning the Faith, upon his meditation, prayer, and study of the Prophecies, and contemplation of events unfolding around him in Dwilight and the world at large. In this series of discourses the author speaks or writes letters primarily concerning the Faith of the Bloodstars, to the Faithful that they may be strengthened and illuminated, but also to the unbelievers that they may see and take heart before it is too late.

I. Regarding the Vision of the Prophet Concerning Daimons

O Brothers and Sisters!

Our Most Holy Prophet, in the Golden Farrow, was granted by the Stars a vision of what was to come - listen, then, for the time is clearly at hand! I write to you now from Farrowfield, not a night's walk from where the First Prophet Mathurin gained this powerful and hopeful insight. I am but a man of the Faith, and whereas previously I had considered submitting these writings to the Authorities of the Church to be placed in their holding - lo, the forces of the Netherworld blocked the routes! And so I write to each and every one of you now, that you may carry this knowledge in your mind, and keep it locked within your heart, that you may hear in this the true wisdom of the Stars in these dark times!

Our Prophet saw a vision:

On a verdant plain a worshipper of the Stars laid a stone carefully upon the good ground.
A creature of fang and fear that shunned the Stars, crept upon the man and attacked him.
The man was pressed mightily by the terror, but he was stalwart and stood his ground by the stone. The Stars shone for him in the sky above, and there was a movement below.
A warrior clad in blood-red robes, an infant wrapped in scarlet cloth and a woman dressed in a crimson gown approached in silence, each bearing a gift.
The warrior handed the man a spear.
The infant handed the man a helm.
The woman handed the man a scroll.
Light lined the spear and it impaled the monster. Light edged the helm and softened the blows of the monster. Light danced across the writing on the scroll and words of power drove the monster back.
The spear was broken,
the helm sundered,
the scroll torn;
the creature gone.
The man carefully placed a second stone by the first, on the plain, under the light of the Stars.

What is the stone of the faith? It is laid by a worshipper of the Stars, upon a verdant plain, with good ground. It is this stone which the creature of fang and fear that shuns the Stars despises, and the cause of its fierce attack. In attacking the man, the creature hopes to attack the stone of his faith.

What is this creature of fang and fear? A Daimon? A walking undead abomination? A monstrous beast? Yes, but it is also the terror of the unfaithful, the confusion and despair the unbeliever holds in his heart, the rage against the unmovable Stars themselves - a beast of endless hunger, which though it may feast on flesh or fear, is never satisfied.

Why does the man stand his ground by the stone of faith, when he is beset by terror, and helpless in and of himself against the creature which assails him? Because the Stars above shine, and through them he, like his faith, is unshaken. Though his mind tells him to flee, though his heart fails him, he does not, for the Stars do not abandon one who worships them.

Who is the warrior, the infant, and the woman, all clad in red? These too are the faithful, who are moved by the Stars and by the rock of faith. For in their blood is the Bloodstars. The warrior gives the gift of a spear, a weapon to fight with. The infant gives the gift of a helm, a protection of innocence and youth for the mind. The woman gives the gift of the scroll, the writings and knowledge of wisdom which are the mother of our faith. Without a young, open mind, the spear is useless - without courage and strength, the helm is useless. Without the wisdom imparted to us by the Holy Prophet, both neither intelligence nor strength have purpose. The Light of the Stars is what imbues these three things with meaning and purpose - nothing else. For it is written that the spear is broken, the helm is sundered, and the scroll is torn - for these are nothing but items. It is the Light of the Stars in them that give us hope for victory, and defend the faith.

And when the dark creature of fear - which may dwell within as well as without - is gone, the stone of faith is added to, and grows. For with every act of success, with every victory against the darkness, the faith is demonstrated and built. And so it will be, for those whose faith in the Stars is true, and in whom the Stars shine - they shall lay the foundation of the true Faith which is, in fact, unassailable by any mortal power, and which shall outlast any hope placed in helms, spears, scrolls - and any temptation of strength and fear there may seem to be in the creatures that oppose the Stars. When all is gone, the Faith remains, as do the Stars.

May the Light of the Stars be ever in your hearts.

Rabisu, Knight of the Temple