Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple/Revanok

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Revanok of the Sky / Revanok the Dragon

Celestial Dragon of the Sky

Revanok the Celestial Dragon is one of the Nine Celestial Divines who resides in his domain, the Astral Palace. He was the fourth divine to descend from the Sacred Veil to the world. The path to his domain opens during solar eclipses, when Astal and Izula become one. He is also known to bring storms while flying across the sky. His roar echoes through the sky as thunder.

One of few gods who actually interact with mortals. Many have seen his true appearance and claim that he has the shape of the large serpent with a pair of gigantic wings. People can see his body in the night sky in a form of milky way.

The Astral Palace

It is a place which glitters with light from stars. Located in the highest sky, Iniarbel's branch barely reached the palace as it was too far above the sky. Revanok surrounds himself with stars and watches mortals from his crystal throne. He punishes liars and oath breakers with stars and lightning bolts from there. It is believed people who never lied not even once in their lives will ascend to the palace to become stars.