Black Ring of Ice

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Revision as of 12:22, 6 February 2012 by Tuvok (talk | contribs)
Type Ring
Discovered By Akhilleus Domitius
Discovery Date 06.02.2012.
Discovery Location Upperfell, Atamara
Abilities Prestige ++1
Current Owner Akhilleus Domitius

It was cold but sunny, morning... Akhilleus woke up after a night spent in the rented room in Upperfell. After a short breakfast he started considering what could he do. Hunting monsters was not the first thing came to his mind, actually he thought he could use the sunny day (last couple of weeks were not only cold but dark as well) to search the region for some useful items. He already did all the preparations and then, through the open window, he noticed a man on the street. At first he did not realize who it was, just that his presence did not fit - but there was something more about the man, his face also looked so familiar. In a blink of an eye he remembered the traveling trader he talked with yesterday afternoon during a short investigation of a supernatural situation in the region. Man's outfit showed clearly that he is a stranger in town and the expression of his face (the man was so terrified) was what immediately drew Akhilleus's attention. After a short talk the trader decided to share his story with Akhilleus revealing that during his travel to Upperfeel from Stargard, only a few miles north of the present location he noticed something: "Dawn it was..." he said "maybe 5:30 AM. I found a nice resting place yesterday afternoon so I decided to make camp and take a rest there, so at 3 AM I was already back on the road. I wanted to be in Upperfell by 8 AM. With the first sunlight I reached the Garden of Upperfell..." Akhilleus looked at him questioningly. "It is a small glade five miles north from here." the trader continued. "Travelers from Carelia and Tara and many other know it well. The view from the Garden of Upperfell is beautiful, you can see the entire region from there - miles and miles in three directions, only the view to Upperfell is hidden but those who are coming still know that their travel is close to the end and an experienced eye can predict the weather for an entire day from there which is very important for those whose travel has just begun. Well, since the sun just showed it's first lights and I was already in the Garden, I decided that I can afford myself a short stop and breakfast there... And then I saw it. I was just eating my breakfast when I started to see strange shadows jumping around the rocks a few hundred meters down the hill. At first I thought that a bunch of local kids might have their small adventure there. A small lake is nearby and it would not be the first time that a group of young people decides to spend a night there telling scary stories... but this was something different. I felt, immediately, that there is something wrong with those shadows, but I decided to ignore that feeling... but then I saw it! I swear I saw it!... I could see it for less then a second, but the image of it I will remember for the rest of my life. It was definitely not a human! I do not know what it was, but it was not some regular animal either. It was a size of a larger man, walking on two feet but it had a head of a beast and its entire body was cowered with fur. I stood shocked for ten-fifteen seconds hoping that it hadn't noticed me as well, and then I swiftly packed my stuff and took haste to Upperfell." After hearing the story, Akhilleus knew it was a monster... And now a fresh thought suppressed all other: "For the good people of Upperfell... It has to be done!"

After searching the area for 3 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter a small horde of monsters. You notice that they have a leader, an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever you want to call it. The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee. The big one is the last to fall, but after an exhausting fight you manage to take him down, too. In the lair of the big one, you find treasures worth a total of 1 gold, 9 silver. You also find a unique item among the loot, the "Black Ring of Ice".