Church Of The Holy Sacred Grove/The New Temple

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In the beginning, the World was an empty place. Nothing was growing on the land, the ocean was dry and the sky was empty of all things glorious. To brighten this dark world of nothingness, an ethereal being formed purely of light descended upon the world from the heaven beyond the dark sky. Now known as 'Goddess Rethia', was the first of the celestial divines to change the world. The goddess's very presence changed the world and gave life to the land. Her breath turned to winds, her blood and tear filled rivers and oceans. The glowing shroud became the sun and the shadow of the divine became the moon. The very place she stood on to give life to the world became the most holiest place on the earth. Ages later, the place became a forest and called 'the Holy sacred grove'. Under the goddess's influence, trees covered the world and turned it green. There were no barren land like today and only endless green stretched from one end of the world to the other.

Eons later, another celestial divine descended from the sky in a form of a shooting star. The divine called himself Azmola and upon her arrival, she filled the world with her creations.