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Region Details
Continent Dwilight
Region Type Rural
Geographic Area South Mediterranean
Population 1
Economy N/A
Realm (rogue)

The Earldom of Agl; the northern stretch of coastline bordered by the Lusitanian forests to the west, the Barca to the north and the towns and highways of Candiels Fields. The region forms a vast plain of windswept and fertile farmland's, brought to prosperity under the reign of Earl Atticus Nightshroud and the Aurvandilan Commonwealth, the fecund fields of Agl provide the bulk of grain, corn and fruit that feed Candiels City and secure Aurvandil's position on international markets. It's position as a frontier outpost saw the lands as little more than a martial society on the outermost verges of civilisation, forced to defend itself from the Monster blight and Pirate Menace.

The people of Agl (known as Aglaisan's) since the days of the Sea-Faring Republic of Madina have suffered under the thumb of Pirates and smugglers, no more so than in the infamous bay of Aglais, Surrounded by fetid swamplands on the western periphery and artificial terpens constructed within the shelter of the bay, Aglais was for many years a hub of Pirate activity, and subject to the capricious whims of endless eastern Pirate Magnates. With the rise and secession of Candiels, the bay was eventually cleared of it's former hosts, and in turn, the lands of Agl freed from the tyranny of Piratic Republicanism by the Marine Impériale du Royaume, most famous for its naval victories over the Pirates on its eastern shores. The bay since then has been transformed into the foremost naval port and harbour of the Commonwealth, and is a centre of activity for the Marine Impériale du Royaume on the Eastern coastline, made preferable by its close vicinity to both Candiels, and the northern trading routes, it allows the Imperial navy a commanding position and bottleneck for Pirates using the Aurvandilan straight between the Fatmilak and the Candielia.

Aglais, from which the bay derives its name from, is the largest town and population centre in the region, which facets a highway running across the spine of Aurvandil, leading from Candiels Fields (Ultimately ending in the city of Candiels) which then cuts through Lusitania and ends in Evanburg, with splinter roads leading to Tubrel and Zerujil. The region holds strong trading links with the outer world, and with the bordering regions, due to its highly developed system of roads, it forms the highway of transport for the majority of food coming from the Marquessate to Candiels, as well as traders from the D'Haran Kingdom.