Marlboro Family/Benedicta

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Benny with her favorite dagger

Benedicta is a second cousin to Winston, patriarch of the Marlboro Family. She was kidnapped for ransom as a young lady, but when her captors learned of the militant nature of her family they instead sold her into slavery to cover their losses on the venture. Eventually, she proved too wiley to remain in bondage, but found herself a penniless urchin in the war-stricken continent of Beluaterra, too far from home to reach her noble cousins. Rather than give up, she decided to do as any blue-blood was obligated and picked up a sword in defense of the common people. Though not destined to lead, she takes solace in the fact that each horrifying beast she slays is one less to plague the good people.

Tall as any Marlboro, she wears her dirty, blonde hair in a short and functional style for high visibility. Simple boiled leather armor allows for ease of movement, and its light weight makes it easier to carry claymore she prefers. She is beautiful in a certain masculine sort of way, with the same hawkish family nose and high cheekbones as her favorite cousin Red. Her blue eyes can be full of warmth at one moment, then cold as an arctic sea the next.

The young woman was searching for her mysterious benefactor, a man she knew only by his first name, "Genji". After seeing the signs of the coming invasion during her travels, she wandered, hopeless, into a temple of Daishi. There she found the inspiration she needed to go on. While scouting Tey Gren, she was brutally beaten by the daimon Nightfall of the East. Left for dead, she instead recovered, and proceeded to secure the final recommendation required to secure her noble birthright. Laying claim to a small district in Lastfell, she hopes to raise enough coin to amass an army large enough to make the difference she couldn't on her own.

Her estate is a run-down manor that, prior to her claiming it, had not been occupied in decades. Efforts are currently underway to restore it to its former glory. Many of the servants are sellswords, the only type that could be expected to give fealty to someone whose claim to nobility is somewhat dubious. The Last Best Hope are her personal bannermen, soldiers in chain or reinforced leather armor who eschew shields in favor of two-handed weapons more capable of harming Daimons.


Cold-Forged Club of Battle
Tome of Haste
Long-lost Flute of Qual