New Westmoor

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Revision as of 19:41, 1 October 2011 by Mathros (talk | contribs)
New Westmoor.jpg
Regional News
1 October 1011

Loyalists gain support Jonn has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Jacob has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Corwin has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Rebellion in Westmoor The rebellion is still continuing. The rebel troops seem to be winning, but could not yet take control of the palace.

Battle in Westmoor Westmoor rebels vs. Westmoor loyalists Estimated strengths: 220 men vs. 120 men The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Arica Maldives.

Defender Victory!

Rebellion expands Vicfalcon has joined the rebellion.

Rebellion expands Derwin has joined the rebellion.

New Knight A new knight has emerged from the ranks of the Westmoor nobles. Cameron Argyll is starting his career today.

Loyalists gain support Gaenm has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Edward Anthony has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Feoran has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support George has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Antonious has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Loyalists gain support Genivae has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Region Revolts The people of Leibo have revolted and declared independence from Caligus!

Rebellion in Westmoor The rebellion is still continuing. The rebel troops seem to be winning, but could not yet take control of the palace.

Battle in Westmoor Westmoor rebels vs. Westmoor loyalists Estimated strengths: 140 men vs. 90 men The Westmoorian Column (Westmoor), sponsored by Gregor Relak, Duke of Westmoor, were led into battle by Marshal Arica Maldives.

Defender Victory!

Loyalists gain support Benedictus has declared his support for the current government and joined the loyalists.

Rebellion! Arica Maldives is calling for an uprising against the current government! In a passionate speech she said: This

 Rebellion!! 1st October 1011

In a nutshell I’ve refrained from reporting on the last couple of days as I felt what was going on was an internal issue and wasn’t really the sort of thing that should be published in a newspaper until it had come to a conclusion. Well the cat is certainly out of the bag now so to hades with protocol and let’s try and explain to the rest of the world what on earth has been going on.

A number of nobles have become dissatisfied with the king’s lack of communication to the realm in a wide number of areas (this editor included, I will do my best to stay unbiased but don’t count on it). Thus Count Armstrong Ironsides came up with the idea of a constitution document that would outline responsibilities of the king and make him more dependent on the house of lords. This was met with disprovable by a number of nobles who felt that this constitution was a step or a step in its entirety towards Fontanese democracy. This brought about a large scale argument which has erupted over the last few days between the supporters of the constitution and the supporters of the status quo.

Arica Maldives perhaps the most hot-headed of the pro constitution nobles claimed yesterday in a standoff against the king that it was the fault of king Maedros for his lack of clarity and effort in communicating with foreign powers that was the root of the problem. This led to a backlash by Ambassador Jor who claimed that Arica was to blame for the failed assault on Krimml while she was General. Today Arica called for a rebellion against the king which has been published on the letters page explaining the reasons. Fighting broke out almost immediately over possession of the capitol.

At the end of today the current forces of rebels and loyalists stand thus:

Rebels: Arica Maldives, (Rebel Leader),Derwin Bluestar, Leon Vicfalcon

Loyalist Forces: Maedros Itaren (King),Antonius Turner, Benedictus Tanos, Cowin D’Saferate, Edward Anthony Mercer, Feoran Lionheart, Gaenm ap Gaenvan, Genivae Mailler, George Talratheon, Jacob Veloris, Jonn Kingsley

Twenty Seven nobles remain undecided or refuse to support either side. Fierce fighting erupted today in the morning with the rebels making progress however many nobles have since joined the Loyalist forces including Duke Corwin who has promised to hand out recruitment funds to Loyalists in the capitol. Although the forces supporting the king are large in number and it looks likely that this rebellion will fail the unpopularity of Maedros at this moment in time can clearly be defined by the twenty seven nobles who have not chosen to give him their support in crushing the rebellion. This may of course change over the next few days. Fontan’s chancellor promised not to take military action against us during this rebellion which is perhaps the first honourable thing they have done this entire war.

More on this story as it progresses.


