Avis Family/Seraphim/10/08/2011

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Revision as of 11:15, 10 August 2011 by Avis (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The First Alpha killed is a notable event for Seraphim who had spent months beforehand tracking and slaying all kinds of abominations. However due to a lack of proper equipment, ...")
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The First Alpha killed is a notable event for Seraphim who had spent months beforehand tracking and slaying all kinds of abominations. However due to a lack of proper equipment, it was always a risk when she met an Alpha. After some time building up supplies and then buying combat equipment, this represents a new experience for her, she now knows just how to kill the Alpha's and Leaders of the Abomiantions...

Actual Event

After searching the area for 2 hours, following trails and noises, you finally encounter a small horde of monsters. You notice that they have a leader, an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever you want to call it. The battle rages, you against the monsters. Your blows land true and you strike most of them down, while a few manage to flee. The big one is the last to fall, but after an exhausting fight you manage to take him down, too. In the lair of the big one, you find treasures worth a total of 1 gold, 4 silver. You also find several common items among the loot: A strange book in a strange language. Even if you could read, it would be a mystery to you. An empty keg, used to store and transport liquids. A small piece of amber with some kind of insect inside. The tusks of a large, wild boar. Can be used to cut tools or ornaments. The hide of a bear, useful as a blanket. For the remains of the dead monsters, you also collect 15 silver from the local monster-hunting bounty.