Ironsides Family/Winter/Countship of Crahandan Ceremony and Letters

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Roleplay from Sigurd Havarth Crownguard

Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)

Duke Sigurd Havarth Crownguard had traveled quickly to Cranhandan to lead the ceremony that would bestow the lordship of the region to Sir Winter. His 91 man entourage was ready for a respite, and according to Captain Hartmann (+8) the men needed to be cut loose to the local pub. "After the ceremony." was his only reply.

The region's center meeting circle is filled with kegs of Shanandoah's Finest MeadTM, roasted pigs still on the spit and other festive measures placed at random. Most everyone has a filled mead horn and is engaged in jovial conversation, tales of heroic deeds and tall tales that are exaggerated the more drink is consumed.

King Regulus opened the ceremony to the cheers of the crowd and after a brief address he turned the stage over to Allsherjargothi Donar to lead the attendees in prayer and speak of the Way of the Hammer. The man radiated the power and glory of the Hammer and once finished turned attention over to Duke Sigurd Havarth.

Carrying his ducal scepter cradled in the crux of his arm, a twinkle sparkled in Duke Sigurd Havarth's eyes as he was looking forward to breaking it in as this was the first title bestowal in his time as Duke of Shanandoah. His ceremonial armor was polished to a blinding shine and reflected the day's brightness to such a degree that many in the crowd had to shield their eyes at times much to his amusement.

Speaking of Sir Winter's valiant deeds and heroic representation of The Way of the Hammer, he motioned to Sir Winter to come and kneel before him.

"As Duke of Shanandoah and with the power vested in me by our King, Regulus..."

Sigurd raises his scepter and places it on Sir Winter's left shoulder

" the power and wisdom of the All-Father, Odin..."

Sigurd raises his scepter and rests it again on Sir Winter's right shoulder

"...and by the might of the Thunderer, Thor...I do decree Sir Winter Count of Cranhandan."

In a more personable and less audible voice: "May you fight ever valiant, serving the will and heart of Hammarsett."

Then again for all to hear: "Rise Count Winter! Rise and bring glory to Cranhandan and to Hammarsett!"

Count Winter then holds the scepter in unison with Sigurd and kisses the scepter and presses it to his forehead. Whispering words of prayer to seal his fealty in his heart of hearts to the duchy of Shanadoah and it's duke.

Turning to those assembled, Sigurd speaks: "The duchy of Shanandoah promises to be glorious, honorable and righteous in the Way of the Hammer. Guided by the wisdom of Odin, justice of Tyr and might of Thor. May our numbers swell, and wrath be furiously wrought upon our enemies...


The nobility, thralls and churls assembled raise their mead horns and cheer the occasion returning the call...HAIL HAMMARSETT!! The sound carries throughout the town streets, alleyways and spills over into the surrounding countryside. Repeated until hoarse voices and the need for hearty drink quell the ruckus.

The celebration goes long into the night, and many will only remember the presence of their King, the Allsherjargothi, their Duke, the installment of Count Winter, and the camaraderie with their fellow Vikings.

Sir Sigurd Havarth Crownguard

Duke of Shanandoah

Winter's Letters

Letter from Winter Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)

Ha! I am overjoyed to earn the Countship of Crahandan, and you can all be assured that if I can't improve it to its best conditions I will run it so far into the ground no one will be able to recover it!

Let Crahandan be the new word for viking ambition, for I shall lead it with vigour and mighty direction.


Winter Ironsides

Count of Crahandan

Letter from Winter Ironsides

Message sent to all knights of Crahandan (2 recipients)

Greetings Knights,

I am your new Lord, Winter Ironsides. I come from a renowned family originating in Dulbin, East Continent. While I am the lesser known member of the family, any mention of either my father Bowie or my uncle Armstrong will no doubt cause at least one head to turn.

Please join me for a drink when you have time, and I look forward to furthering our region and our realm! We now form a family of Crahandanians, each of us kin to the other. Never forget the region we call home and it will never abandon you (unless it has drunken too much and has found a pretty wench - then you are on your own).

May Crahandan and Hammarsett reign forever!

Winter Ironsides

Count of Crahandan