Triunism/Writings/Hireshmont II

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Epistle to Torvaldo

Lord Torvaldo,

While you have not asked specificaly, since Lady Labelle has told you of Sanguis Astroism, I will tell you of Triunism. My apologies for any vagueries: I myself am young in the faith; Lady Metis knows more of the intricacies of our faith.

However, Triunism is, essentially, rooted in the belief that our lives ought to be purposeful and meaningful. Meaning and understanding, to know and to perceive, is the final object of life. We achieve that goal, not through merely hearing lectures, but through the daily struggles and travels of life itself. Life is its own teacher: we struggle against the storms around us, against the monsters, against division, against our own more shadowy natures, and in doing so, according to Triunism, Life speaks to us, and we gain understanding.

That is the philosophy of Triunism. For the more detailed information, you would have to ask Lady Metis: she is our founder and most knowledgeable priest.

Hireshmont II Vellos Senator of Chesney

Epistle to the Colonists


Welcome in Chesney; please enjoy your stay while you are here.

Should you require any help in finding anything while you are in Chesney, directions, or perhaps would like to arrange a visit by my home during your stay here, my liege-man Forlang is competent to handle the request.

While you are here, I encourage you to join any of the guilds that may strike your interest: no place in Dwilight has so great a concentration of cultural establishments as Chesney does. It is the soul of Occidens, I think, and the crown jewel of Maroccidens.

Generally, during your stay here in Terran, I have tried to refrain from any of my personal causes: I have no desire to meddle in the internal affairs of your new realm. However, now that all is arranged and set in motion, I would like to take a moment to address a matter which has been on my heart, albeit quietly, for some time.

You may have encountered Triunists here in Terran during your stay; I myself am a priest of Triunism. It is the primary faith as far north as Via, west of Shoka, and south to Wurzburg and Rettlewood. Most of the lands you intend to settle already have Triunists among them. A simple description of our teachings is that the proper course of human life is through the reconciliation of dynamic forces, the difficult searchings-out of the soul wherein we negotiate between our reason and our passions, between order and chaos, and, indeed, moderation as well. Between these things we seek to find a truly centered way of living, and it is this Triunist creed, this commitment to the spiritually-centered path, the commitment to the unity of Time and Space, which has guided my devotion to Terran's Republican ideals and Chesney's cultural development. Should you desire to know more of Triunism, I would be happy to speak with you concerning it.

I have not spoken much of my personal desires for this colony in the past, as it is not my business. And in the future I shall remain quiet as well: but I thought it fitting, while you are guests in my city, to speak my heart, if only but this one time.

Long Days and Pleasant Nights, Hireshmont II Vellos Senator of Chesney