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Military of Caligus

Caligus icon.PNG Military Leadership and Armies of Caligus Caligus icon-rev.png

Army Command Chain

This group of Caligans discuss battlefield strategy and includes the King, The High Marshal, the Marshals and Vice Marshals as wells councillors interested in Military affairs but not necessarily having any official miliary position.

Chain Of Command

1. Dobromir Menethil King of Caligus
2. Arak Thorson High Marshal of Caligus
3. Cuthbert von Ulthuan Duke of Hamadan
4. The Marshals lead their armies followed by their Vice-Marshals

The Caligus Red Gryphons

This is one of the two offensive armies of Caligus. Has a long rich history since its foundation by Duke Cuthbert von Ulthuan of Hamadan. It is currently led by Marshal Traemlin Augulus and Vice Marshal Rohnen Veritas.

The Caligus Golden Talons

This is the second offensive army of Caligus, a transfer of nobles between the CGT and CRG is soon going to be taking place to make the two roughly equal in both combat strength and unit composition.

The Caligus Fire Phoenix

This is the beaurocratic army, primarily responsible for region maintenance and control of monster and undead populations. It was founded by Rackir Spearhawk, Judge, Jury and Executioner of Caligus, but sponsorship has since been supplanted to King Dobromir Menethil. It is currently led by Marshal Suwarin and Vice Marshal Montecristo.

Caligus icon.PNG Recruitment Tips Caligus icon-rev.png

Note that while you are free to choose whichever unit you want without repercussions, below are a few guidelines to help troop leaders young and old in selecting what unit to command.

Currently the military leaders of Caligus encourage troop leaders to have units with a minimum 30 men amounting to no less than 500CS with funds being handed out to reach this target.

In the long run, preservation of unit size is a priority, as it is cost effective. Hence a unit's weapon and armour quality are both important but to different degrees depending on the unit. Training is of secondary importance, as while it is slow to increase, it does increase. Once again preservation is a priority, because over time, training, cohesion and your captain will all improve. Once again one cannot stress enough the immense importance of quality over quantity, as while the initial costs are quite high, the constant replenishment of men which is required for a large unit of poor quality arrow fodder is much more expensive.


There is no such thing as too much infantry, if you do not know what kind of unit to recruit, this is the best kind. Seriously you guys, infantry alone might not decide who wins the battle, but they certainly decide by how much the battle is won. With infantry defence is slightly more important that attack, hence with two almost equal units, the one with the stronger defence is usually preferred. Caligus has a number of good infantry centers, below are the top 10.

Name of RC		Training	Weapon/Armour Quality	Region
Isadrillian Infantry 2	   60			65/65		Isadril
Mulhouse Billmen	   60			50/75		Mulhouse
Jo9/11b			   85			75/55		Akesh Temple
SADA's Brewmasters	   40			85/65		Partora	
Hamadan Pikemen		   50			80/60		Hamadan	
Heavy-Armed Infantry	   45			70/70		Viseu	
Voulge Warriors		   60			75/50		Viseu
Domus Hoplites		   45			70/65		Domus
Orangie Bandits		   45			65/75		Mashhad
The Abby		   50			45/70		Abadan


Archers are happiest when on top of walls, away from the violence and gore of the melee where they will be ripped to shreds like the Caligan Courier in Ibladeshi hands. Caligus has had a bad history with archers with their numbers once even exceeding that of infantry, needless to say Caligus did not have many successes in those days. Ideally archers should never ever ever EVER exceed 30% of the total number of troops. For archers, Armour quality is almost irrelevant, most important is the range, followed by weapon quality and training. Below are the top 5 recruitment centers.

Name of RC		Training	Weapon-Range/Armour Quality	Region
Isadrillian Arrows	   50			65-4/55			Isadril
Bows of Winkamus	   55			60-4/65			Winkamus
Supra Longbowmen	   60			45-4/40			Supra
Tokat's Light Longbow	   60			60-4/25			Tokat
Bowmen of Hamadan	   50			80-3/70			Hamadan

Mixed Infantry

These guys suck.


Ideally cavalry should be commanded by cavaliers. If you like extravagant clothes, such as hats with peacock feathers in them, boots which shine enough to blind the person you are about to kick in the face from your high vantage point and drinking the finest wines from Nascot's vinyards this is the career path for you! Cavaliers have good morale and cohesion bonuses when commanding cavalry as well as gaining a lot of honour in battle. Cavalry are primarily used to tip a losing battle in our favour, or quickly and decisively end a battle which is already won and all that is left to be decided is how soon and how thoroughly the enemy is beaten.

They advance 2 rows at a time across open field unlike other classes which only advance one at a time. Also they have a 'charge bonus' allowing them to deal double damage upon impact with the enemy front line. following this they act as expensive infantry, but infantry none the less. Hence, to preserve them, the ancient principle of 'live today that you may fight tomorrow' is applied: As such commanders are often encouraged to maintain a very low withdraw percentage (as low as your leadership allows) when commanding cavalry. Ideally as a proportion of the total troop number, they should not comprise more than 25% on the open field, and none when walls are involved. Also they make poor militia. For cavalry weapon quality is more important than armour quality as hopefully they do not spend too much time on the field. Below are the top 5 recruitment centers

Name of RC		Training	Weapon/Armour Quality		Region	
Nascot Lancers		   30			80/40			Nascot	
The Burning Dawn	   40			70/30			Sordidus
Isadrillian Hooves	   70			60/85			Isadril
Aureus Rough Riders	   65			60/45			Aureus	
Partora Paladins	   55			55/75			Partora	

Special Forces

These are the elite! Their capabilities differ, with many if not all special forces having unique abilities. These abilities are currently under investigation and a whole section below will be dedicated to studying the Special Forces branches of Caligus. Abilities may include double melee damage, ranged attack (like super archers), a very good aptitude to break walls, and many more which are currently under investigation. NEVER MIX DIFFERENT TYPES OF SPECIAL FORCES AS THE ABILITIES MAY BE LOST. Below are all the Special Forces Centers.

Name of RC		Training	Weapon-Range/Armour Quality	Region							Notes
The Mountain Watch	   50			55/55			Bursa		
Hamadan Hoplites	   50			85-4/65			Hamadan			Appear to behave like Archers with range 4 but have very high melee power also.
The DeathWatch Guard	   55			65/95			Mines of Isadril	
King's Guard		   65			50/60			Mulhouse 
Paladins of Darton	   75			70/75			Viseu	
Elite Phalanx		   80			45/70			Viseu	
The Branded Ones	   85			40/75			Sordidus 
Isadrillian Powder	   100			45/100			Isadril

Caligus icon.PNG Special Forces Research Caligus icon-rev.png

Currently the Special Forces of Caligus are being investigated in a research project funded by King Dobromir and Duke Cuthbert. Results and conclusions will be published below as they become available.

CS is Combat strength
C is Cohesion
M is Morale
T is Training

Paladins of Darton

Researcher: Rohnen Veritas

10 men : 280CS (C 25% M 97% T 75%)
20 men : 480CS (C 21% M 97% T 75%)
30 men : 672CS (C 21% M 97% T 75%)

Isadrillian Powder

Researcher: Dobromir Menethil

36 men : 862CS (C 24% M 100% T 100%)

The DeathWatch Guard

Researcher: Aiden Menethil

30 men : 573CS (C 20% M 87% T 55%)