Rothenstein Family/Recollections of Caerwyn

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A collection of letters and various notes compiled at Sir Konrad Rothenstein's request, with the intention that, eventually, they would serve as the basis for a published work on the history of Caerwyn and its notable figures.


Letter from Tsuboh Gothic

Message sent to everyone in your realm (45 recipients)

Greetings and Salutations

As many others have expressed an interest on participation in the realm it would help to understand the position of Caerwyn. For that we should understand a bit of the history of Caerwyn.

The founders of Caerwyn came from the sinking southern lands of Taselak. There we fought against Ikalak, Sandalak and the religious zealots Toren. There were many bloody fights and many glorious battles. However because of a unresponsive monarchy and near victory by Sandalak it was decided to adopt a republican system where more effective leaders could be given power. As the land sank everyone fled, making way for different parts of the world. Some landed in Morek for the martial stance, Springdale for its closeness to wage war on another realm, and others in Madina because it is furthest west and posess a republican system.

We were fortunate to recruit soldiers and scribes who have experience and understood the concept of a republican law, else it would have been long to form a republican government. In particular due to Borreas as Magistrate who authorized our expedition north when Madina was short of soldiers and reluctant to allow expeditions.

It was decided Eidlub would be the foundation of the realm because of the nearby cities, forts and resources. Unfortunately a Torenite kingdom of Everguard had been established first and they viewed the plains to the Chrystantal Mountains as their holy land. There was a race to see who could take Gelene city first and it went to them. While it would have been great to give them a bloody nose again they had the numbers to win the war and we moved to Golden Farrow before war was declared. The founder's stance on military religion had an origin with them.

We were able to ship out the gold from Eidlub and surrounding regions and even looted gold from regions Everguard would eventually take. It was decided Eidlub will be taken from Everguard and the gold helped in the building of Golden Farrow and fortification in Farrowfield. More nobles came either in disagreement with their previous realm, or to use Caerwyn as a jumping point to start their own kingdoms. Caerwyn benefited from the influx. The Chancellor, First Minister, or what it was called back then was granted the power to appoint new lords to govern the regions and it would then be up to the lord to decide which duchy they want to belong to. There were few high realm wide law but most were left to the local lords. Lords rule however they want as long as productivity was maintained and food was sent to Golden Farrow. A Council of Stability was established to discuss matters that will affect the regions such as a successor peer or if there was some objection to laws.

Then the monsters and undead came which slowed our expansion to a crawl but thanks to the fortification in Farrowfield and the martial skills of the knights who came, it prevented the creatures from decimating Golden Farrow. Everguard suffered quite a bit and it drastically slowed their growth. When the hordes receded to north of the Chrystantalys mountain and the forests further west expansion resumed and expeditions were sent out.

Some tried going further north but were turned back by the undead while looting raids to secure more gold returned successfully. The colony of Viridian was authorized to colonize Chrystantalys to sate those who want to start their own kingdom and turn the colony into the Darfax jumping point rather than Caerwyn and also as an ally against Everguard. There were some concern about some members of Viridian who came from Morek though such concern did not fully realize because of a resurgence of monsters. Like Everguard Viridian was too interested in recruiting soldiers for expansion and neglected to build any fortification. Viridian was quickly over run. There were those in Viridian who left before it was overrun and went south to found Terran. A few colonists returned to Caerwyn or moved on south and others went to Astrum because of their religious affiliation.

Caerwyn did declare war on Shadovar but more in support of Madina and Melodia rather than any actual interest in Shadovar. I can't comment further on that as I was not in Caerwyn during that time. Verdis Elementum was founded based on old Dwilight writings. It was an alternative to Torenism or the Blood Stars and it was not a military faith.

Tsuboh Gothic Duke of Golden Farrow

Other Resources

Caerwynian Chronicle



Viridian - a lost colony of Caerwyn's. Perhaps something to consider, my lord? It is true that the history of Caerwyn may be impossible to tell fully without reference to current and fallen realms, though it is of greater concern that I not swell this project beyond my ability to complete it. Still, your thoroughness has been noted, Wilhelm. Interesting, too, to see Duke Tsuboh's name there. Could this be what he was alluding to?