User:Qmasterflex86/Project Dwi 01/Supplements/Character

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Revision as of 02:58, 22 October 2010 by Qmasterflex86 (talk | contribs) (Monsters, Undead, Daimons. Will do Zuma and Balance some later date.)
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Red Leaf


Red Leaf is a feline with solid red fur, about the size of a bobcat. She is not yet fully grown, and as a full-sized adult, would be about the size of a mountain lion. She appears much like a mountain lion, with long fangs and sharp claws. Like most monsters of her type that live in the southwestern forests, she walks and runs on all four limbs, and spends some of her time resting in trees.


As one of the few monsters with full sentience, Red Leaf considers some of her fellows as cruel and savage. She values life and tries not to harm what is not necessary, killing only when she must eat, or to defend herself or her family. She has a strong sense of family, but a weaker sense of self.

Gold Leaf


As the naming pattern suggests, Gold Leaf has golden fur and looks like a smaller version of Red Leaf.


While Gold Leaf also has full sentience, she is much younger than Red Leaf and does not understand most of what she feels and experiences. She is timid and easily frightened, clinging to her older sister for protection almost constantly. However, she is very loyal and caring.

Warm Spring


Red Leaf's mother has golden-brown fur, and is slightly larger than Red Leaf, but not by much. She is considered a fairly small female of her species.


Warm Spring does not have full sentience, but nevertheless shows maternal instincts to all her cubs. She is protective of her children, and cares for them with patience and attention. Nevertheless, she acts on instinct alone.



Bloodclaw is a large and imposing golden-furred beast that resembles a bear. He has many scars running along his body, and is composed solely of bone, muscle, skin, and fur. Because he is a different species than the inhabitants of the southwestern forests, he has distinct morphological differences, such as his larger size and different body shape. Unlike the native beasts of Nark and Thysan, Bloodclaw is capable of standing on his hind legs, walking short distances as a bipedal, though he can only run on all four limbs.


Though he has full sentience, Bloodclaw decided to use it to exert his dominance over all other beasts. He is violent, but practical, willing to slaughter entire colonies of monsters but wise enough not to betray his loyal followers. Though his nature suggests he is a brutish killing machine, Bloodclaw is actually quite cunning, and as much of his success owes to his trickery as to his strength.




The body is composed entirely of black metal, though it is unknown whether the blackness comes from the metal or elsewhere. It is a hollow body, a shell to trap the remnants of the dead king's soul and the materials of the curse that bind him to undeath. The metal has been manipulated to resemble armor worn by Tacitus in life.


Long periods of dormancy in undeath left Tacitus cold and calculating, more so than he was in life. He is commanding and controlling, and will not tolerate kindly any obstacles to his plans.



Though Verthandi's body is also composed of the black metal that traps the souls of all ancient monarchs, her personal changes made her shell smoother and more feminine in appearance. At all times she wears a plain brown robe.


As a queen Verthandi was hailed as a kind ruler, almost too kind. Having the power of clairvoyance, in life she was dedicated to using her gifts to help people. With her abilities increased in death, her personality remained mostly preserved. Out of all the undead ancient monarchs, she is the most attuned to the artifacts of emotion from life. As such, she is generous and diplomatic to most beings.



The undead metal frames of the dead kings reflects their appearances in life, and Iskander is a large and intimidating fortress of black steel. His body is fashioned to resemble the armor he wore into battle during his life, and etched onto the surface are markings and symbols of his past achievements.


At heart Iskander is ambitious and considers himself invincible. He will seek to add as much land to his kingdom as possible, and will not care how many people he must subjugate to do so. However, he is not malicious in his intent, as the suffering of those he conquers is an unfortunate result of his conquest rather than the goal of his campaigns. He is only interested in flying his banner over land, and would be perfectly content to raise it over an abandoned field, so long as it expanded his lands.




With his golden armor and artificial skin, Akash resembles a tall and awe-inspiring human man, with ceramic-white skin and pure white hair. The only hint of his daimonic identity is in his glowing yellow eyes. His true form is unknown.


As a hermit by choice, Akash is mostly uninterested in the events of the mortal world, and even ignores the events in the Netherworld. He took residence in Dragon's Roost to be away from both his fellow daimons and mortals, whether it be Zuma, other humans, or curious monsters. He is fair and holds a deep conviction in morality and honor. He rarely makes promises, but once made, he will make every effort to keep them. He is non-violent by choice, preferring not to use his powers without strong justification, though if attacked, he is capable of defending himself with human weapons and fighting styles. He often speaks in riddles, though never intending to confuse the recipients of his words.