Artemesia Family/Ramuh 02

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Ramuh Artemesia

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Family Family
Age years
Region [[]]
Duchy [[]]

Allegiance: Netherworld

Class: Warrior/Hero

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Appearance: 5'10", olive-skinned, short brown hair. Gray eyes, not particularly muscular but more lean muscle. Wears sand-laden desert garb.

Personality: Self-interested. Believes in equivalent exchange, where he only gives so long as he gets something equal in return. Average courage. Will not break down crying upon seeing a scary daimon/hulking monster/rotting undead, but will prefer flight or concealment rather than confrontation. Honorless. Will break standard nobility's code of conduct to preserve his life at all costs. Will try not to unnecessarily break codes to preserve personal interests, but not averse to it if that is the only alternative. Anti-hero: Makes fun of dead enemies, gives snide remarks to living enemies unless doing such a thing is obviously stupid, will work for money, will sacrifice innocents for self-preservation or for a desired goal.

Equipment: Rope, torch, bag, dagger, "lockpick" (or whatever equivalent), map

Skills: Advanced Swordfighting Mastery, Basic Jousting Proficiency, Basic Trading Proficiency, Basic Leadership Mastery, Basic Bureaucracy Proficiency, Heroic Charisma.