Sirion (Realm)/Constitution

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: this page is to be used by the council of Sirion to work on the constitution together. Anyone that does not belong to it should avoid to modify this page, thanks.


We, the people elected by Sirion, elves and humans, henceforth called simply the People, submit ourselves to accept these terms, which are the will expressed and exercised.

Book I - Sirion Foundation

Art 1. The Republic of Sirion, formed by the union of northern lands, constitutes a federal state, and has as its foundation:

a. Sovereignty

b. Free will of its Citizens

c. Hierarchical compliance

Paragraph 1: The Republic of Sirion is anchored in its representatives, which are called Prime Minister, Judge, General, Banker and Ambassador.

Paragraph 2: The meanings of each of the representatives of Sirion will be described in the bulletin's private office.

Art. 2 The Republic of Sirion, headquartered in the Duchy namesake, is formed by the meeting of duchies and regions, integrated, and lands called imperial territories.

Art. 3 Citizens of the People are all those, noble inheritance or merit that demonstrate strict desire in the national territory, and obey the existing rules, considering:

a. noble heritage of those born;

b. noble merit coming from the ordinary people.

Single Paragraph: The nobles are solely responsible for choosing their professions and abilities.

Book II - under construction

I am working in the Book 2...

Book III - Land

Art. 6 The lands held will be made:

I - In smaller portions:

a. By election among the citizens;

b. by indication, in times of war.

Single Paragraph: Cases of appointments in periods of peace will be achieved just by proximity or existence of injury difficult to repair, following the current hierarchy.

II - The Dukes will be chosen by the Realm Council and by the sworn appointment of the Prime Minister.

Art. 7 Exceptionally, border regions and the newly annexed territories may receive direct indication of the Prime Minister in times of war.

Book IV - The Government

Art 8 Duties:

I - Prime Minister:

a. conclude treaties with another nations;

b. Appoint the General, the Banker and the Ambassador, after ears previously, the Realm Council;

c. Establish the political relations of Sirion;

d. Declare war.

II - The Judge:

a. protect the laws;

b. hold courts to ensure the law in Sirionite regions;

c. determine the common treatment of prisoners of war together with judges from enemy nations;

d. determine the fate of the prisoners;

e. impose penalties.

III - The Banker:

a. establish the taxes;

b. determine the distribution of food inside the realm;

c. negotiate the trading with another realms.

IV - The General:

a. establish with the Military Council the defense strategies of Sirion;

b. take the direct organization of the armies in wartime.

V - The Ambassador:

a. Representing Sirion in foreign lands;

b. Act as a mediator in matters where Sirion included as part of or interested one;

c. Maintaining good relations with friendly nations;

d. Negotiate peace.

Art 1 - The authorities of the foreign friendly realms will be received in the national territory by the representative of Sirion, preferably one of the members listed above;

Art 2 - To the foreign Ambassadors, confer the same privileges given to the ambassador of Sirion;

Art 3 - All national authorities will work for peace.

'Book V - Titles and Domains

Art. 9 The land will be governed by those among the nobility, chosen by the directives of Art.6 thereof and shall be governed as follows:

I - The rights inherent to the titles, regardless of this:

a. choose their own knights and stewards;

b. align their Knights in the ranks of the existing armies, obeying their requirements;

c. set the own share and the share of each Knight;

d. establish a new army, as long as expressly authorized by the Realm Council; e. fixing rates and taxes.

II - The duties attaching to titles, regardless of this:

a. ensure the land production, loyalty and morale of the people;

b. define the functions of the states of their Knights;

c. reimburse the expenses of the Knights involved in the expansion of the states;

d. send resources, when requested, to the territories in misery;

e. maintain militia and enhance the defenses of the lands of Sirion when it is necessary.

Art 1 - Is the noble duty to found a new army and provide sustenance for his war chest (under the approval of the appropriate Councils);

Art 2 - All requests received must be promptly addressed, independent of the privileged position of the noble.

Art 10 - This Constitution, because it will and guidance of the People of Sirion, has recognized its validity at the time of publication.

Those who in this land, elf or man, lives to swear their loyalty, love and deference, and defense over all things, even if it costs their own life.

For Sirion!