Felhand Family/Nikkitanilas

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Nikkitanilas Felhand
Nikkitanilas the Sensible
Physical Age: _________ 24
Continent: ________ Beluaterra
Realm: ___________ Bara'Khur
Region Lordship: ____ Gaxano
Main Class: _________ Priest
Sub Class: _________. Mentor


Nikkitanilas is a member of Bara'Khur and currently the Viscountess of Gaxano, after using her religious influence to take it over. She is married Calvindrell Felhand, with whom she has two children, twins Drell and Drall. She is also a dedicated priest of Estahsism

Physical Description

Pale skinned with blue eyes and blond hair usually platted and in piggy tails. Thin figure and small in height.

Active Relatives

Calvindrell - Husband

Davendrall - Sister in Law

Drell and Drall

Drell and Drall

Drell and Drall Felhand were born in Nikkitanilas' mother's Estate in Ziswii, Bara'Khur.

As it is tradition to name every Felhand male with a name ending in 'Drell' and every Felhand female with the name ending in 'Drall' Calvindrell decided to name his son Drell and his daughter Drall. Which of course only Calvindrell with his lack of sense would do.

While their father is off fighting and their mother is out preaching, they are looked after in the Felhand Estate in Zisswii by Nanny Nancy