Stormcrow Family/Medugnatos

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Medugnatos, needed half his life to claim his birthright as a noble, though his stepbrother Fearghal helped him in this. Once he was able to dig out the necessary papers and proofs the nobility of Sint welcomed him as one of their own.

Soon after the call of the Blood Stars reached him and he set out for Morek on Dwilight to follow his faith.

Due to his history he has more understanding of how the people on the streets think what gave him an advantage in more than one situation as Earl of Zhongyuan and Bureaucrat for Morek.

He found his destiny in following the religion Sanguis Astroism, leading the famous "Warders of the Temple" as Marshal. After securing the southern borders with "The Order of the Maddening Star", slaughtering many monster and a very successful war against the heathen in the north of Dwilight he was elected as Order Marshal of Morek, leading the further expansion and security of Morek since December A.D. 1008

Soon before march A.D. 1009, he followed his beloved Prophet to found the theocratic realm of Corsanctum, being appointed as High Inquisitor of the Holy State. He and the nobility of Corsanctum try to hold the realm together against starvation and heavy monster attacks, so far with success.

When he came back from an extended pilgrimage he had to see the Prophet leaving Corsanctum for meditation what filled his heart with sadness. Corsanctum was ruled by a Steward at this time, who stepped down soon after he arrived to make place for his appointment as Regent. Since then (March, 21, A.D. 1010) he rules in Corsanctum, without a day passing where he doesnt pray for the save return of his Holiness.

The Stormcrows are proud about him and the achievements he made due to hard work and loyalty.