McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Return

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

The curtain was drawn aside by a servant and light filtered into the room. Deianarah rubbed the sleep from her eyes and slowly rolled to the side. Like she had been doing the past few weeks, she dragged herself out of bed, cleaned her teeth over a small basin and then dressed with the help of her servants. Her sad eyes reflected in the mirror, as she watched her long hair being brushed to a lustrous shine, all the while cradling her stomach. She had gotten much larger, and the added weight was dragging her down. The realm had grown extremely quiet, even though she tried to speak to them, it was like a large blanket of apathy had settled and on top of that there was still no word from Thain.

Dei had sunk into a small state of depression. She had gotten extremely quiet and stayed in the palace for days, no longer visiting the city as she used to. There was no joy in the small things she once enjoyed. In the corner of the room their dog, Thor, was sleeping silently, occasionally his eyes would open to make sure she was still there and satisfied, he would go back to sleep. Focusing her attention on the white Shepard, she had trained him to obey every command, and using family secrets made him useful when it came to attack and defense. Thor was a small force to be reckoned with now, her father would be proud.

The servants done, they curtsied and left. Deianarah watched them leave, and once they were out of earshot, she crawled back into her bed. Thor’s ears perked up as she tapped the bed beside her and he jumped onto it. He was extremely large now, and when he curled up next to her, she put her arms around him and cried softly. Giving a small whine, he licked her tears and tried to nuzzle into her neck. What strength she had tried to keep for the benefit of others had left her long ago.

It was some time later, when there was a small rap at the door and Deianarah bid them enter. “Your Grace,” her personal scribe said respectfully, but with a tone of urgency in his voice.

She sat up and blinked the moisture out of her eyes. “What is it?” her voice almost failed her. She had expressly asked not to be disturbed unless it was a matter of urgency. At the moment, the only thing that consisted an emergency was an attack on Azros or surrounding regions… or if it was Thain. As far as she knew Soliferum was busy in Edairn. Oh dear Gods, something had happened to her beloved and she was receiving the news from a letter.

Approaching her, he handed it and bowed. Taking it, she opened it slowly with small trepidation and read the words. She read them four times before she realized the tears of joy on her cheeks had dripped over the letter in her hands. “He’s returned…,” she breathed, and her voice did fail her, but not from fear, from happiness. Holding the letter tightly she brought it to her breast and let out a trembling sigh. “I’ve missed you too mo’cuishle, more than you will ever know,” she whispered as if he could truly hear her. Thor jumped after her and sat beside her, watching her curiously. Kneeling she scratched the top of his head and hugged him. Finally, she would be able to start living again…

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stretched, and pulled off the last of his armor, and looked in the mirror, running a hand over the scar on his eye. He sighed, and then caught sight of movement behind him, and spun, drawing his sword as he did. He glared down at the assassin, the familiar red markings on his leather pauldron. Thain smirked,

“I’ve been waiting for your lot to come out of its hole.” He snarled, and he heard the ringing of blades being drawn, and knew that it wasn’t one lone assassin.

“Your time is through.” the assassin said coldly, drawing a pair of crescent shaped blades. Thain unhooked his mace as well, and struck. The sound of blade meeting blade rang throughout the night and Thain and the assassin battled back and forth, Thain skewering the man and running out of the tent and into the fray. He battled his way into the thick of the fighting, and saw around him that his men were losing. They were being pushed back into the wood line and Thain scanned for their leader. The men of the Chaos Requiem relied on their leadership for inspiration. Thain saw his mark, a man in dark, heavy armor, a great axe in his clutches. Thain kicked the man in front of him in the chest, and made his way through the battlefield, his focus on their champion. By the time Thain had made his way over, they had been pushed back deep into the forest. Thain blocked a blow from the massive champion and was almost knocked off his feet. He regained his balance and swept low with his mace, forcing his foe to back up, and then lunged with his blade. As Thain lunged, he felt the ground beneath him give way. He fell and blackness took him.

Thain gasped and sat up with a cry “Deianarah!” and as he moved, his leg exploded with pain. He groaned, and sank back into the bed he was in. He wondered idly how he had gotten here, and looked at the humble surroundings. The door to the room slid open and an old man dressed in monk’s robes stepped in.

“Ah, it is an honor to have such a guest. Bishop Himoura, welcome to our humble sanctuary. I am Father Avery. You took a terrible tumble down that sinkhole. Your leg will be healed in time, you just need to stay off of it.” the old monk said, setting down a tray on the nightstand next to Thain with tea, bread and honey on it.

“Eat and be healthy young master. Oh, and we managed to recover your horse. A magnificent beast he is.” He said, and took his leave. Weeks passed and Thain was on his feet again. He stepped out of his room, his sword buckled to his belt and his mace hung at his waist as well. He had read the inscription on it over and over again, unable to stop thinking of Deianarah. How she must be worried, he kept telling himself. Thain stepped out of his room, and into a courtyard, to come face to face with the last man he wanted to see.

“So this is your doing.” Thain growled, drawing his blade and clutching it in both hands. “You’ll have to try harder next time Adjudicator.” He snarled at Alioth, who stood ready, his blade sheathed at his side, the body of a monk at his feet. The monk seemed to be cut and burned, and Thain puzzled at this. Thain cautiously began to circle Alioth, who sneered.

“The elders have already signed your death warrant. Just like your father, always a thorn in the side of the family.” and he charged, drawing his blade as he did. The blade ran along the flint lining the sheath, and caught on fire, as the blade hurled towards Thain at incredible speed. Thain deflected and tumbled away.

“How?” Thain gawked, noting the remarkable stench, like burning bodies. Alioth chuckled. The secret behind his sword was the oil in the handle, which would run down a small channel in the sword, and be secreted out small pores in the blade. When the blade came into contact with a spark, created by the flint in the sheath, it burst into flame for a brief moment. The oil of course, came from Alioth’s victims. Alioth re-sheathed his blade and began to circle Thain again, ready to strike. Alioth rushed in again, drawing his blade. Instead of backing up to deflect the blow, Thain charged, his mace coming down on Alioth’s wrists, and Alioth rolled away, holding his wounded arm close to him.

“You’re lucky I have more important things to do…” he spat, and fled. Thain sighed, and set to work building a pyre for the monks. After he had paid his respects, he set off, riding full speed for Azros.

Thain rode into the courtyard, and made his way into the palace. The royal guards seemed relieved to see Thain alive and well again, and he made his way to Dei's office and poked his head in.

"I was told I could find the fairest woman in all of C'thonia here. It seems I was wrong. I found the fairest woman in all creation."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Upon hearing his voice, Dei’s eyes lit up and she pushed her chair back quickly and flew around the desk into his arms, careful with his leg. Her arms wound around his waist and she kissed him fervently several times, paused, and then kissed him some more this time more passionately. When she pulled back she looked up into his eyes and wiped the tears from her cheeks. “I thought you weren’t coming back, I was so afraid,” she whispered emotionally and held on tightly, unable to let go.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain held her close to him, and closed his eyes happily.

"I was worried too. Worried that I wouldn't come back again. I ran into a little family trouble... You'll need to be careful, they might try and come for you next." he whispered, reflecting back on his fight with Alioth.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

In his arms, Deianarah frowned at his words and looked up with new fear in her eyes. “Family trouble… of what nature? Please tell me it wasn’t the Crows,” she breathed and it was his turn to frown. Deianarah then proceeded to tell him what Sir Nihilus had told her about this gang who would come for her if they could. Would she now be forced to stay in the palace afraid to venture out for fear of her person?

Noticing they were both still standing, she walked him to the sofa and sat beside him. It was too powerful and she couldn’t keep her eyes off him, she had missed him too much. Her belly had grown so much in his absence, she couldn’t help feeling the contrary of his words, she was not the fairest now, maybe the fattest. A wry grin spread on her face at her thought.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Don't concern yourself with a bunch of thugs named after a carrion bird. As for the family business, its not too much of a concern. The Chaos Requiem is rather inept. And I dealt with the majority of them." He kissed her on the forehead and put a hand on her belly.

"When does the doctor say you are due?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled as she felt his hand on her belly and covered it with her own. The contact of their hands together seemed to send a jolt of warmth up her arm and to the back of her neck. As it did the first day she was with him, his presence was still electrifying and the sense of protection and love coming from him filled her as usual.

Looking down to her belly, the satin dress stretched tightly over her form. She had barely shown at first, but then it was like she grew large overnight. The frightening part was that she wasn’t even that far into her pregnancy. “Four months,” she said softly, “he is surprised at how big I am already…” she let trail off and leaned into him.