McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Headachesandcomfort

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Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

It had been some time since the battle and her injuries, and Deianarah returned to her duties as usual. Although, she now seemed to suffer from terrible headaches, she tried not to let that distract her too much.

She signed the last letter and sealed it, her light brown eyes looking at it for a long time. Communications with Soliferum left a cold chill down her back but she had no choice. She finally put it on top of the pile that was to be sent out and signaled her servant to take them.

He bowed and left to deliver the letters and as he walked out of the room, she then heard the patter of feet and grinned. She looked over to the doorway and Thor materialized, running in and ran to her feet. Reaching down, she scratched beneath his chin and pat his back. “Oohhh you’re getting so big,” she commented and he barked in agreement and she giggled. He was no longer the size that she could simply pick him up and carry him around in the crook of her arm, but he still behaved like a puppy.

Kneeling to the ground, she started to play with him, but then she was forced to stop as the headache became unbearable, seeming to cripple her and she whimpered. Thor backed up, and growled, not understanding what threat had made her whimper and he started to bark. “Thor,” she closed her eyes tightly and tried to make him stop barking by making soothing noises but it didn’t help and he continued. Unable to take it any longer, she pointed to the door, “out!” she said desperately and Thor shrunk back at the tone of her voice. Spots filled her vision and she sat, leaning against the desk and Thor ran out of the room at her command.

Swallowing, she pressed both hands to her temples and waited for the pain to diminish.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Now that Pillus had gone, Cassidy was left with only three real friends in the realm, two of whom were currently ignoring her letters. She sighed as she looked at the last letter Deianarah had sent her, turning the envelope over in her hands. Now that she had fully recovered, she wanted to make a point of seeing her kind liege, and decided to go at that moment. She walked along the darkened streets at a leisurely pace, coming upon Deianarah's house within minutes. Gently, she rapped on the door.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

A servant opened the door to the palace, to greet Dame Cassidy with a bow. Informing him of her intentions there, she was led to a waiting area and the servant went off to find the Duchess.

It was several moments later the servant entered Deianarah’s study and found her sitting on the floor, her head cradled in her hands, wincing. “Milady…” he said softly and Deianarah winced again. “Please… not so loud,” she pleaded and he frowned. “Milady,” he tried again and seemed to dry wash his hands at a loss, if he spoke any softer she wouldn’t be able to hear him. “There is a Lady Cassidy here to see you,” he paused, judging the situation. “Shall I inform her you’re not well?”

“Give me a mom…” she whispered, trying to answer but it required a lot of effort on her part and she felt nauseated. Swallowing, she tried again, “a moment,” she breathed.

He waited several moments before she started to rise, using the desk to help her. “Take her to the sun room, I shall meet her there shortly.”

He nodded and left the room.

Deianarah then carefully made her through the palace. Walking slowly, the pounding in her head only heightened with every step she took. The headaches were getting worse, but she refused to let them control her. She reached up to touch her temple, the area still extremely tender from her wound. Hopefully this was temporary.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy followed the servant into the sunroom, where she was told to wait. She did so, looking about at the room and wondering why the duchess hadn't opened the door herself.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Before Deianarah made her way to the sunroom, she found her physician and requested something for her headache. Upon seeing her, he was extremely concerned and started to fret over her health. “They are getting worse,” she informed him weakly and he frowned.

He took a moment to examine the side of her head and then looked to her eyes. “I don’t like the color,” he noted looking into her right eye. The inside was pinkish red, rather than white.

“I shall be fine,” she said softly, “I just need more time” she paused, “this constant ringing isn’t helping,” she told him and he shook his head.

“I want you to remain in your bed for the time being, your duties will still be there once you’re better.”

At his words, she tried to shake her head but stopped. “Not now, there is something I need to do,” she said and he frowned.

“I shall inform the King then, I believe he will agree with me,” he threatened and she grabbed his arm, the motion made her groan with regret. “You promised you wouldn’t tell him. He has enough to worry about, I don’t need to add on to it.” She gave him a pleading gaze and they stared each other down for a few moments before he finally nodded. “Very well, but after you’re done with this business, you will do as I say.” To that she nodded and he turned around to begin mixing something and then turned to give it to her.

“It is weak as were the previous ones,” he explained, “due to your condition I don’t dare make it any stronger.”

“Thank you,” she nodded weakly and drank it, the taste making her gag. She gave him the glass and left in the direction of the sunroom.

It took her some time to arrive and when she did she gave Cassidy a weak smile, “good day Cass,” she greeted with familiarity. Before the other woman could greet her in turn, or rise from her chair, Deianarah grabbed the back of the nearest chair and slid into it. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened then again, she looked to the other woman. “How are you today?” she asked, trying to conceal her weakness.

Roleplay from Cassidy Delorian

Cassidy watched Deianarah, concern for her friend passing across her face. "I don't think how I feel matters today, are you feeling all right?" She asked, seeing through the facade. "If you are not feeling well enough to visit, I can always come back another day, these matters are not so urgent," she said, her blue eyes soft.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

At her concern, Deianarah gave a soft smile, “it should pass soon enough,” she indicated the side of her head. “Just residual pains from my wounds,” she informed and placed both hands in her lap, her skin appearing pale in contrast to the burgundy color of her gown.

Continuing to smile, Dei silently hoped the tonic would start working already. “I had heard you were wounded. I am very glad to see you are well,” she noted, her eyes glancing over the other woman, trying to find traces of an injury. “What news with you?”

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah snuffed the flame of her candle and left her study to return to her bedchamber. She had spent the better part of her day dealing with internal matters and only then realized how late it was. Reaching up she gently rubbed her temples, her head pounded with every step.

Thain had been in Leod and Deianarah had taken advantage of his absence to spend her days in bed, mostly sleeping, trying to recover as the physician wanted her to. The only problem was that she didn’t seem to be regaining any strength, if anything she seemed to only get weaker. She couldn’t even recall exactly what it was her and Lady Cassidy had discussed when the dame had visited last, it seemed to have escaped her mind completely. She was beginning to detest these small moments of forgetfulness on her part. She had never been like that before…

Making it to the bedchamber, she managed to get out of her dress and slipped beneath the covers in only her shift. As she did, she realized Thain would be arriving shortly. She would have liked to greet him personally, but she really didn’t have much energy left to get out of bed now.

Perhaps she would feel better in the morning and he would be there to greet her and make everything better again. Thain was like her ray of sunshine, no matter how dark things may seem his beautiful light always shone for her repelling all the negativity away. How she missed him…

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain sighed and dismounted his horse, and patted it affectionately, then dug an apple out of his bag and fed it to him. He tiredly walked back into the palace, the whole ordeal in Leod was a disaster... His men killed for no reason, a people traumatized so by the brutal regime of the Apostate Republic. He quirked a brow as he entered, Dei was usually waiting to greet him. Something important must have kept her. He sighed and made his way to the armory and left his armor there, he would be back to repair it later. He went to the royal bedchamber and grinned as he kicked off his boots and undid his belt.

"Is everything alright love?" he asked as he crawled into bed next to her and kissed her. He wrapped an arm around her and spoke to her softly.

"My dearest Dei, you've done nothing wrong, and need not make up for anything. You stood up for what you believed was right. So what if it turned out to be a bad call? That's how we learn. My father once told me 'Strive to be right, not correct.' You will never always make the perfect decision, but does that mean you were wrong? No." he said to her, looking into her eyes, feeling as though he was about to burst with affection.

"The Elders were most kind to ensure we met."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah felt Thain slip into bed with her and slowly opened her eyes to see his handsome face. When he wrapped his arms around her, she felt the heartache of missing him instantly lift and she gave him a weak smile. “I meant to be there to greet you,” she told him softly, “I haven’t been feeling well, and I’ve been so tired.” She kissed his neck and snuggled into him.

At his words of encouragement, she lowered her eyes with guilt and then looked up again. Maybe he was right, only it would take time for the sensation of shame to leave. “You’re right,” she smiled. “You always make everything better,” she admitted and at his last words, she felt herself melt into his arms. “I thank the gods every day for bringing me to you,” she whispered to him. “I would be incomplete without you Thain,” she then brought her hand up and slowly slipped off her McDowell ring. She had wanted to give it to him much earlier than this, but now the moment seemed perfect. She split the rings in half, as it was designed to do; leaving a half a heart, two half swords and crown, each separate ring signifying a piece of her. She took the larger of the two and then slipped it over his smallest finger. “This ring was always meant for you,” she said emotionally and her eyes filled with tears. “I love you,” as she said the words, she briefly closed her eyes, the headache returned and she took a deep breath.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"I love you too." he whispered back and kissed her on the forehead. He frowned, seeing the pain on her face. "What’s wrong Dei?" he murmured gently, affectionately running his hand along her side.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

She could still feel his lips on her forehead and she leaned into him. Her pain was obvious, and she knew he could see it. “I’m not sure,” she admitted. “Ever since I got that blow to the head, I’ve been getting weaker, and my headaches have become crippling. I was hoping it would pass, and I didn’t have to tell you so you would worry for nothing, but it isn’t stopping… It comes and goes, some days are better than others, like today,” she smiled reassuringly, hoping her demeanor wouldn’t make it look as bad as it sounded.

“Maybe it’s my pregnancy causing my lack of energy,” she concluded and took his hand to cradle it over her stomach.