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Articles of Auroran Law

Article I: Bodies of Government

  1. The Council of Three: To dictate law and conduct diplomacy.

  2. The Council of War: To discuss strategy.

  3. The Halls of Trade: To ensure Aurora abides by its trading deals with other realms.

Thus says the first Council of Three, and passes these laws to code.

Article II: Code of Nobles

  • If any knight willfully breaks one of the laws of the realm, the sentence will be judged by the Council of Three, and his lord.

  • If a nobles causes damage to another nobles land or property, he will pay reparations to hurt noble, and pay a fine of 25 gold to the Treasury. If both parties agree, a duel between accused and accuser will be accepted as an alternate to this judgement.

  • Rebellion or membership into an underground movement will be grounds for immediate banishment from the realm. If the accused shows repentance, clemency will be shown to him, and he will be fined 100 gold, payable to the Treasury.

  • The officially sanctioned religion of the realm is the Sanguis Astroism. While only temples and shrines to the stars may be built inside the boundaries of the realm, other faiths are not outlawed and as long as there is no attempt made to gain converts to the other faith, there shall be no actions taken.

  • Free speech is valued in the realm, and all knights are encouraged to share their doubts and fears, as well as suggestions, in a constructive manner. While opinions are free to be shared, they must be said in a constructive manner. If any knight is found to be sowing discontent and fear among the realm they shall be immediately tried and fined. If they continued to sow discontent among the realm without regard for the law, they shall be banished.

  • If a knight disobeys his Lord and marshal, or dishonors his oath, his lord may report him to the Council of Three who will pass sentence. A minimum fine of 25 gold will be paid to the Treasury for such an offense.

  • The council has the right to order an immediate banishing or fine without consultation or trial if they feel they have sufficient evidence to call such.

  • All Justices shall be held accountable to the code of laws. If any of these laws are unjustly broken, he or she will shall be forced to account for his or her actions. If a trial is needed, it will be called and presided over by the other two members on the Council of Three. Both the councilors must pass a guilty verdict for the sentence to be thus. If Guilty, the councilor will step down and pay a fine of 100 gold to the treasury.

  • Espionage is forbidden. If any noble is accused and found guilty of spying, they will be banished, and if caught they shall be executed.

  • Execution is to be reserved for only the most adamant violators of the laws. Unless the guilty parties have been found guilty of trying to overthrow or betray the realm, other punishments must be sought before execution is decided as the punishment.

  • Infiltrators and all nobles of all realms who are found within the prison are to be treated fairly and justly, no matter what the relations with their realm as a whole is. Nobles taken prisoner in battle are to be allowed to pay their ransom and are not to be tortured. If they cannot pay their ransom, they are to be released after 5 days in prison. In the case of infiltrators, they are to be kept for the entire length of their stay. These rules do not apply to assassins however, any noble who is found trying to assassinate a member of the realm shall be banished immediately upon first imprisonment, and executed if they are caught again.

Thus says the first Council of Three, and passes these laws to code.

Articles III and IV will be written soon.