Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Kaetil's Tiresome Tutors

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A few days had past, and Jenred was once again preparing to leave Remton...But first, he wanted to look in on Kaetil. He'd met the boy briefly, explaining the situation, and introducing him to an understeward who'd been assigned to keep track of the boy, get him tutors, etc. There'd hardly been time for anything else, as the boy had taken quite some time to eat...He looked as if he wasn't sure when he'd next be able to sit in a kitchen...Jenred had written Edara, but they'd agreed to talk it over in person...Such a matter was too important to be left to letters.

Jenred sat, pouring over the latest correspondence, frustrated beyond belief at the audacity of certain so-called "Prophets" when Kaetil was quietly introduced. He looked up, and saw the boy looking a little better, but still very cautious.

"Greetings, Kaetil. I just wanted to check in on how you've been doing in the palace. Have you settled in with your tutors yet, for instance?"

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

The boy standing before Jenred showed no sign of being daunted by the presence of a King. He was as wary and cautious as ever, but it did not appear to be because of the audience. His quick eyes darted around the room, taking it all in, before focusing on Arcaea's ruler with orbs of vivid blue. Kaetil was solidly framed, his square face and strong features certainly reminiscent of his father, but to the despair of the cook his appetite remained as large as ever.

"Your Majesty." He made a stiff bow, which he had clearly been recently taught. "The tutors seem well meaning, in some ways, but can be quite demeaning on off days." His eyes wandered to the pile of papers on Jenred's desk. "They do not let me read all that I would, but feed me books not fit for mere pig food." He shrugged in an accepting fashion, pausing for a moment to phrase his next words.

"It's good of you to see me, King Jenred, when you scarce have time to visit your own bed. The trials of throne are hard I clearly see, but even so you take time to meet me. If it is not to bold, I would know who you hope or think you might hand me unto."

Dren Kandurell (Priest of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Jenred raised an eyebrow. One confidant boy...To insult his tutors and use such blunt language in front of his King (and, for that matter, the man who was acting as his father for the time being). However...Why was the boy trying to speak in Iambic Pentameter? Unless he had learned court-speech through some bard, and thought that all who spoke to high nobles used such forms...Hm...Halfway decent attempt at the form, though...He would need advanced tutors. He summoned a servant, and requested that the understeward in charge of Kaetil be brought to the study.

"Well, Kaetil, as far as who to hand you to...I am undecided. My wife, the Duchess Edara, will discuss it with me the next time we meet in person. If we cannot think of anyone else, then we will care for you as best we can. I will not leave you unattended, have no fear...Ah, good, send him in."

The servant nodded, and the understeward entered, kneeling before his King.

"Your Majesty, it is an honour." "You may rise. Now...It seems fairly obvious that this boy has enough command of Common to handle advanced tutoring. I assume you will arrange tutors equal to his ability?"

The understeward hid a frown, but answered with a hesitant,

"Yes, Your Majesty...But...His tutors report that he is sullen and refuses to work..."

Jenred raised an eyebrow, his eyes not leaving the understeward's pupils.

"Kaetil, can you define the mode of speech you used in speaking to me? Whatever you can tell me of it, where you learned it, etc."

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

"King Jenred, I became acquainted with this speech not three weeks 'fore our meeting on this day. It is a rather strange form forcing those who speak it not to speak like written prose." Looking somewhat confused that those around him were not using the same form of speech, he faltered before saying, "I believe it is called iambic pentameter. Is it not the common speech of nobles of this realm?"

"When I arrived here, I could not understand what others were saying. You have such a funny language! The steward of Castle Lantze gave me some stories to read, so I learned. When the steward and my uncle did not speak like this, I assumed that only those of noble birth speaking to others of noble birth would use such speech. It this not the way?"

Dren Kandurell (Priest of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Jenred grinned at the understeward.

"Hear that? A respectable attempt at Iambic Pentameter...By a boy who came from some village with its own dialect...After three weeks of reading. Get him advanced tutors."

Jenred's voice and manner changed, flowing into the King.

"By Royal Decree, the boy Kaetil is allowed free access to the open parts of the Library at all times."

Jenred relaxed a little again, and turned to the boy in question.

"Now, Kaetil, don't abuse that privilege. And to answer your question, no, most nobles do not speak in that way. Such is normally reserved for certain forms of poetry. I do understand how you could be lead to such an assumption...But...Please understand that many nobles are barely literate. Most have their scribes handle all such for them...And they certainly never take the time to learn how to speak in Iambic Pentameter. But...For now, you may choose what you wish to learn, so long as you learn something. Swords or scholarship, jousting or justice, as you decide. I will expect a full report the next time I speak with you, is that clear? Good. Now, do you have any other questions?"

Jenred smiled, in what he hoped was an encouraging fashion.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea