Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Birth of the Twins

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Madelena was exhausted. No matter how hard she tried she could not find a comfortable position in her bed. Her doctors had told her that she was not to leave it except for the occasional trip to the privy. The room was stuffy with huge shutters over the windows blocking out the light. She felt like a prisoner, and it was made all the worse by her knowing that Tenal was somewhere fighting.

She read a little of the correspondence but found it hard to concentrate. Scrolls and parchments lay scattered about her on the bed.

"Will this baby never come?" She asked of her maid Sarah.

"Soon Ma'am I am sure," was Sarah's reply.

"Oh that it would be sooner than later," cried out Madelena in exasperation.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea


At 3:01am this morning the Imperial Magistrate gave birth to twins! Count Tenal and Lady Madelena are now the proud parents of a beautiful girl and boy. Names to be announced later.

Further inquiries regarding this announcement should be addressed to the Private Secretary of her Imperial Magistrate at the address above. Lady Madelena has asked that no gifts be sent, but rather a donation be made to the lepers and orphans fund at the M.A.E. temple in Remton.

Lady Madelena Rossini Imperial Magistrate of Arcaea

Riding the streets and fields of Treror was boring work, mixed only with a few seconds of frenzied activity when a peasant tries to get out of line. Tenal was itching for battle after days of policing and broken attempts at control. Sometimes doing one's duty was frustrating. He let his captain give the usual orders, resting his own throat for days to come. He had some dried meat as he rode, continuing the patrol.

A messenger rode up, flying the colours of Orbeh and Remton. The man silently handed over some papers to Tenal and rode off to his next contact point. Usual business, no doubt, thought Tenal as he tore open the seals. Reports, comments about food, more boat rocking from Deathwyrm...and a letter from Madelena. Hmm, a nice change.

His hand trembled as he read the letter. The Aenil had blessed him and his wife. "Captain, gather the men. We leave for the village immediately for a special celebration."

"Oh, good news my Lord? Your child is born."

"Not child, Gisbert. Children! I have twins."

Tenal bellowed in glee, "TWINS! HA HA!"

Captain Gisbert took the bear-crushing hug rather well, akward as it was across two horses.

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

(Personal message to Madelena)

Ah, my love, I just got the wonderful news!


A boy and a girl. That ought to satisfy just about all the family, heh.

The Aenil have certainly blessed us, my darling.

Stay safe and healthy in Remton. Rest well.

I'll be back once duty allows me to.


Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

Cheers from the Pumas rose through the camp as Tenal gave a toast to his unit, his King, and his newborn twins.

"Never before have I seen you fight so hard or so determined, Pumas! You were an unstoppable force on the field. You put on such a show that the King himself noticed. No doubt you were so enraged that Ethiala had ambushed our beloved Jenred the Hawk that you decided to march on Topenah there and then, and the Ethialan soldiers in Arempos were the way, so easily did you push them aside! To the Pumas!"

With a roar the soldiers drank, then Captain Gisbert stood and said, "Truly we desired to protect the King, but also you my Lord. It was not so much we who charged forward, but you. Heh, if we didn't move as fast as we did, you'd have faced that last archer unit alone, sir. No, it is you who wanted to protect the King so much. Also, if I may be so bold, you said you wanted to find inspiration in battle, sir. A name for your son. I pray to the Aenil that you found it, after the legendary bull-rush we all acomplished. Pumas, let us toast our leader and our Lord. To Sir Tenal Quasath, and to his family! Long may they live!"

Gripping arms with his Captain, Tenal smiled widely and laughed. "Aye, I have a name, battle-inspired. Once I share it with my wife, I'll share it with you all. Until then, a toast to the King!"

"Aye, to the King!" shouted to the Pumas as they drank again.

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh

In contrast to the hastily written letters that were striking like lightning around the realm, a different sort of envelope was seen delivered to every noble's house, tent, camp, and abode. Carefully inked and titled, the paper was of the highest quality, and the scents wafting from them the latest fashion in Remton. Tucked away in the envelopes was a simple single sheet of fine paper, imported from the East Continent. Written in flowing letters, the letters expressed good tidings:

~Nobles of Arcaea,

Nothing in the world is so previous as a new life. Imagine our joy when we were blessed with two such wonders in our lives. My wife, Lady Madelena, gave birth to twins a few weeks ago, as I am sure you all know. Such news travels faster than the wind. The boy and girl took us by surprise, and the important task of choosing their names took us longer than we hoped. Finally, though, we have decided on fitting names for the newest members of our realm.

Friends, comrades, realm-mates, Lord, Ladies, Knights, Dames, Dukes, Duchesses, and Your Grace,

Please let us introduce, our son, Ajith Val Quasath.

Followed equally by his beautiful twin sister, our daughter, Amita Ime Quasath.

May the rising star of Arcaea guide their way to health, happiness, and honour.

Signed, Sir Tenal and Lady Madelena. ~

Sir Tenal Quasath Count of Orbeh