Jeckyl Family/Hexic

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Hexic - Everguard / D'Hara

Duke Hexic Jeckyl
Hexic Jeckyl
Status Alive
Continent Dwilight
Realm D'Hara
Class Adventurer
Age 26
Honour 21
Prestige 16
Title Adventurer
Unit None
Army None
Relegion None
Guilds None
Unique Items White Shield of the Ancients
Realms Served:
Titles Held:
  • None
Armies Served:
  • None
Units Led:
  • None
Son of Hexic from the Barony. When learning his cousin Doctor had been executed in Pian en Luries, he traveled to Dwilight looking for revenge. Upon arrival he learned that the gods themselves had struck Ludovico with a bolt of lightening. He had happened to land in Everguard at the time, and chose to stay. For a brief time he was Lord of Ammando, and later became Marshal of the Phoenix Guard. After a while the High Commander stepped down, and as Hexic was Marshal at the time, was the only candidate for the position. He was told it was only to be temporary, but was ecstatic none the less. He returned to Axtli to see his family to celebrate his promotion. It was then that it was noticed that he had a scar over his right eye. This was from a battle he had fought in Eidulb Outskirts. Upon return to Everguard, Hexic fought in many battles and led Everguard into controlling many regions. In one such battle, Hexic recovered Taron's Nightblade of Doom, which was thought lost when the adventurer previously owning it lost it to a group on monsters when he was captured. In the battles that followed, all allied and enemy troops good see Hexic wielding Taron's Nightblade of Doom from across the battlefield. And after his first battle with it, and realizing the affect it had he said to himself "Now this, this is a sword worthy of a general". Eventually Monsters and Undead took most of the realm. It hadn't helped that a failed rebellion had caused the death of his friend High Adjudicator Mosious. Even though Hexic slew one of the rebels in cold blood, he decided he was no longer the Saviour of Everguard. He passed the mantle of High Commander onto the Second-of-Command of his Imperial Protectors, Wallace Leventhorpe. He then set of to D'Hara, where his colleague and friend General Cenarious Stormrage had offered him lordship when the region became available. After arriving in D'Hara, Hexic sought one with the capacity to have his Taron's Nightblade of Doom repaired, as it has seen many battles, and slew many a foe. Because of its magical nature, he did not find anyone capable of repairing it. Instead he found an adventurer selling other very unique items, which he purchased. The first was the Doomed Band of Command. He thought this was very fitting as his Nightblade was said to be Doomed. The second was the Mysterious Gem of Ice. Back in Everguard, Mosious had for a time, a ring that shot lightning. He had been very impressed, and even envious of it. Now, battle was approaching, and as it did, he noticed his men took commands exceptionally well. When battle began, they fought with such skill and professionalism the likes he had never seen. The Doomed Band of Command was certainly living up to its name, and it even glowed, as it to alert everyone to its presence. The Mysterious Gem of Ice however, shot ice in the direction of the enemy, freezing armour and flesh alike. No one on the battlefield could ignore such a feat. Hexic went on to become the Duke of Qubel Lighthouse, and Marshal of the D'Haran Guard, D'Hara's eastern army. After a while, Hexic grew discontent with the post. Qubel Lighthouse was the poorest region, and the poorest duchy. He constantly had to request gold from the other lords in order to fund his projects. One such lord Hexic disliked greatly, Rathan Himoura. Rathan controlled the wealthiest region, on contributed not 1 gold to his projects. He took pride in his accomplishments however, the two Infantry Centres he constructed were the finest in all D'Hara. Eventually his past caught up with him on more than one occasion. Many nobles he had either served with in Everguard, or viewed as peers and allies from other realms rose and fell from power. And twice, Hexic nearly lost all sense, and ran off to join some rebellion or war which involved said peers and allies. He didn't of course, he owed much to the Dragon King, Cenarious Stormrage. Over the years, Hexic developed a document detailing the various battle formations he had encountered.