McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/Dinner

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Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain signed another form, and stood up, satisfied. The paperwork for the day was through. He walked out of his office, and into the hallway, only to be greeted by Thor, the little white terror of the palace. He picked up the young pup and laughed, and was greeted by a barrage of kisses. He laughed, and the pup yipped happily, and he shushed it, carrying him quietly to Deianarah's office, where he knew she would be hard at work. He crept up behind her, and without warning dropped Thor into her lap, who began to bark happily, wagging his tail. Thain wrapped his arms around her and kissed her on the back of her neck.

"How are you doing my love? Adjusting well to the change in scenery I hope."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah rubbed her tired temples and looked to the reports before her. She hated being harsh, but the peasants didn’t leave her much choice. Maybe soon they would see, and start working together in harmony… Today would be different.

Lowering her hand, she sighed, she needed a distraction. Almost as if answering her thoughts, Thor was dropped into her lap and she smiled as he began to yip at her. She put a hand beneath his chin and rubbed it, petting the top of his head bringing his little ears back and he let his tongue hang out of his mouth happily. She felt her hair being brushed off the back of her neck and then his lips pressing against her skin. Closing her eyes, she sighed blissfully, the motion giving her shivers.

“I’m much better now,” she said meaningfully, looking up at Thain. “Matters are moving a lot slower than I’d like them to, but it’ll eventually turn around.” She rose from the chair and kissed him, Thor cradled in her arms. “I admit though… I have forgotten to eat, and I’m starving. Join me?”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"You've read my mind, a'thaisce." he said, kissing Deianarah again, then reaching down to scratch Thor behind the ears.

"He's become quite the little terror around here, tearing through the hallways like he owns them."

Thain straightened and offered her his arm.

"I'm sure I can convince the kitchen to make us something quick."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei took Thain’s arm as he led her out of the room, and she set Thor to the ground and watched as he pounced on several things along the way, happily wagging his white tail. She grinned and laughed lightly, “and here I thought I was going to claim that title before he did…” she sighed in mock disappointment. “I suppose I’ll have to find something else to claim,” she said playfully.

They arrived at a small room that was set for the two of them, and Thain disappeared for a moment before returning. When he returned, Dei sat and looked across the table at him. “You’ve been busy yourself, I feel like we haven't seen each other in a week,” she commented, “enjoying it, My King?”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain poured two glasses of a dark red wine and sipped his slowly before answering.

"It's good to be King. It was a huge burden off my shoulders, but was shortly replaced with a new one. It was the first step in forging a Kingdom... No... An Empire. I've talked with Jenred, and he wishes to form an Empire. Each realm in it will be sovereign, but the ruler of the strongest realm will be Emperor and collect a small tithe... For now, it is Jenred. I fully intend on taking that title. Nighthelm will be reborn. This step, while significant, is a small one in the large picture of things."

Thain paused, leaned over and kissed her.

"It does feel like we've been apart too long."

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah took up her glass and drank some of the wine. “That sound wonderful,” she said, “and we will make Nighthelm strong, and strive for this together.” Reaching over she took his hand with hers. “For now though, let’s forget the work that’s waiting for us and pretend we have no responsibilities… just for today,” she said softly and squeezed his hands. She took another sip of her wine and looked at him over the rim.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"That's a wonderful idea." Thain said, grinning mischievously. He signaled a servant.

"Have them keep the meal warm for a while. We'll be delayed." he whispered and turned around to Deianarah and picked her up in his arms and kissed her. He started walking out of the room and down the hall.

"I think we might just need the whole day, and tomorrow too." he said, steering her in the direction of the royal bedchamber.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Thain picked her up and Deianarah let out a small giggle and put her arms around his neck, kissing him. Before he walked into the bedchamber, she looked back down the hall. “Oh…We should bring the wine too.” She could only laugh at his expression as he seemed to think it over and then returned. She scooped it up quickly and he carried her once more to the bedchamber.

He took her through the entrance and turned so she could shut the door with her foot. Once it was closed, light laughter emanated down the hall, there was a growl, followed with a small yelp and then another burst of laughter.