McDowell Family/Alec McDowell/leaving

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Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec sat inside his tent looking out the opening that consisted of a door and watched his men who seemed to drag themselves around camp with no real enthusiasm. Their morale had taken a hard hit recently and he was hoping they’d come around. “They look like I feel,” he murmured to his Captain who was busy going through reports. After seeing the attention Alec gave all the letters and reports, Alfried forcefully volunteered to the task, stating how they couldn’t afford to miss anything.

The other man looked up for a brief moment, “they could use some entertainment,” he mused and returned to the paper with a frown and quickly handed it to Alec, who inattentively took it. “Yeah,” he drawled slowly, “so could I.” He opened the letter and his brow furrowed. “Assassination attempt on Lady Aewyn, anything in there stating how she’s doing now?”

Alfried looked through some papers and shook his head. “Nothing,” he sighed and shrugged, “then again, I have about a couple of weeks worth of reports to go through, perhaps if you talked about what bothered you, then you would be able to move on, and be able to give these the attention they deserve.”

“I agree. Let’s give them a few hours of fun,” Alec smiled crookedly ignoring his comment entirely, “and I think I’m going to join them.” Brushing off the matter at hand, he rose and stretched. “These will still be there when I get back,” he cracked a yawn and rolled his shoulders.

“Right,” Alfried answered sourly, “unless a pretty pair of blue or green eyes grabs your attention first.”

“There’s always that,” Alec answered quickly quirking his eyebrows playfully at the thought.

His Captain shook his head with an amused smile and Alec watched as his attention returned to the papers in front of him. Deep down he wasn’t as enthused as he seemed, he was torn in many different directions. He would have loved nothing more than to lose himself in the arms of a woman but it would only be temporary, like it usually was, and his remorse would return full force in the morning. He just didn’t want to talk about it, let alone think about it anymore. He would try to move on, quietly. He began to look through his clothes, hoping to find something presentable, but comfortable.

“Sir,” the dark haired man had unfolded a new set of reports that hadn’t even been touched. “Aren’t you in correspondence with Dame Isabel?”

Alec’s hand paused on his blue tunic, “yeah why?”

“She’s been imprisoned,” his voice said gravely and Alec snatched the report out of his hands. “And I think this is a letter from her,” he gave him another paper.

Alec’s eyes tightened and he groaned. “I’m a horrible, horrible man,” he said out loud and his Captain looked up, surprised. “Contrary to popular belief Alfried, I’m not as narrow minded as I seem, or heartless.”

Hazel eyes scanned the letter and his face mixed up with concern. After a moment, he lowered his hand and looked out. “I don’t think I’ll be going after all, but I want you to take them instead.”

His Captain was about to protest, but Alec’s eyes narrowed in answer. “Very well, please go through these reports Sir, maybe there’s word of Dame Kaylan as well.”

Alec’s heart seemed to skip a beat at his words but he transformed his face to one of complete calm. The last line was a desperate attempt to have him talk but the blond noble would have nothing of it “Out,” he said scathingly and his Captain knowing he blundered, turned without another word.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm looked out at the docks with empty eyes. He couldn't stay here any more. Too many memories. Too many names that reminded him of her. He had given enough advice, Katalynfae could more than hold her own now, judging by the treaties she'd arranged.

It was time to go.

"Where to, milord?"

"Somewhere quiet, and far."

"Ah, you'll be wanting the Colonies then, milord."

"Very well."

Roleplay from Alec McDowell

Alec sat up in his cot and passed his hand through his tousled hair. Something had woken him, but he couldn’t figure out what. For a moment he stared out into the darkness and frowned, there were no noises, everything was silent. A few minutes passed by and the tent flap was moved aside. Reaching to the side, he was instantly at his feet, sword in hand.

His captain lifted his hands in a gesture of peace and he relaxed. “What’s going on?” Alec asked sleepily, rubbing his tired eyes with his free hand.

“I’m sorry Sir, I wanted to come sooner. Men are starting to leave, morale is too low. They’re complaining about the Civil Work they’ve been made to do. I tried to talk them out of leaving. I managed to convince some…”

“How many?” Alec cut him off and his Captain’s face turned with guilt. “Seventeen Milord.”

Alec took a deep breath and looked up, trying to stop from clenching his teeth. There was no use in getting upset, it had already happened. The best thing he could do was try to salvage what was left. “Very well, give me a few minutes. We’ve done what we could for Oporto at this point. I’ll take the men out myself tonight, before the rest leave,” he promised and sighed.

Captain Alfreid seemed to stand still as if debating his next word and Alec’s eyes stared at the uncomfortable shuffling of his feet. “There’s something else,” the blond man stated making Alfreid purse his lip in thought. “Well?” he waited patiently.

“Someone else has left,” he said simply and Alec’s eyebrow rose in wait, “is this a game? Do I win something if I guess correctly?” his voice was now getting a bit impatient.

“He was seen boarding a ship. I’ve kept an eye on reports and as per your request on his whereabouts to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary…”

“Out with it man.”

“Sir Malcolm Bedwyr,” he finally said the name and Alec blinked.

There was a long silence on his part and he finally sat into his cot, only because his legs seemed to weaken at the information. The name was a painful reminder of Kaylan and everything that had happened. Alec was in a lot of pain, he carefully chose not to speak of it, but he still managed to drag himself around everyday. He didn’t know why Malcolm had left, but he had the feeling it wasn’t business. If his departure was about his cousin, he could understand his reason for leaving.

The main reason why Alec hadn’t left himself was because he still held on to hope. He kept thinking Kaylan’s disappearance was just something he had imagined. She wasn’t really dead and that she would magically reappear one day and everything would be set right. Was he disillusioned? Should he have moved on?

No, he couldn’t do it. He would never give up on her, or her memory.

“Wow,” he whispered quietly but he had no other words to add to that.

“Would you like to set up correspondence sir? I’m sure I could…”

Alec shook his head and looked up. “Drop it Alfreid, this isn’t your duty. You’re not my scribe, or a runner. I appreciate everything you’ve done, but it’s over now, just let it go,” he whispered his voice pleading.”

He rose and began to pace around the tent, “let the man go, I can only relate to what he’s going through. If this is where his life leads him, then so be it.”

His Captain gave a small nod of his head and left. Alec stood watching the tent flap and sighed miserably. It was time to make a visit, he was going to go see his friend, hopefully that would kick start him into his life again.