McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/villain

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Sitting at the table, his large meaty hand grabbed the chalice and he drank the wine in one long gulp. He then picked up the meat, ripping large chunks and stuffing it into his mouth. The flap to his tent was pushed back and a large man entered. Brown almost black eyes looked up and he grinned maliciously. “Well?” he asked with a mouthful of food and the soldier before him fell to one knee and looked down with the utmost respect, then again it could also be mistaken for ultimate fear.

“She has escaped us again my lord,” his voice trembled slightly at the bad news and the man behind the table bristled. After being hidden and protected for so long, she had finally resurfaced and he had seen an opportunity and jumped on it. Only to find out she was killing his men like flies, thwarting every attempt he threw at her and then as if that wasn’t enough out of nowhere she was being sheltered once again. He was clearly beginning to lose patience and he threw the meat on the plate with a clatter of metal. “How did you survive?” he questioned with a hiss and his eyes darkened, “when the last two, bigger and better didn’t?”

“She was on horseback, she ran before we could get near her,” he explained and swallowed.

“You incompetent fool, you let her see you? You are highly trained…” his voice lowered with menace, “DO I need to remind you, that you are trying to capture one LONE WOMAN!” He shouted the last as his patience finally gave and the man cowered.

Wiping his hands on his shirt, he pushed the chair back making it fall to the ground and walked around the table. “What am I going to do with you?” he asked as he slid out his sword. “Mm… my lord,” he stammered, “no matter how close we try to get something or someone is ahead of us,” he started to explain. “She now has security,” he finished flatly as if that would explain everything.

“So you’ve said before,” his lord mused, and brought his hand up to his salt peppered goatee. He towered well over six feet and had an extremely large build which only made his soldier cower more. “I think it’s time we try a different tactic,” he chuckled and lowered his hand. “Something even Dorian McDowell would be proud of, if he were still with me,” at those words he angrily closed his hand into a fist and whirled around slamming it into the table. “His entire family will pay for his treachery!” he shouted angrily forgetting himself and closed his eyes.

Regaining his composure he turned around to look at his soldier. “You’re going to assemble every man, I think it’s time we stop chasing the ever elusive temptress and go after the people closest to her, so that maybe then she’ll come willingly,” he laughed at his own wit and his eyes glazed over with contentment, “then she’ll be mine.”