Dwilight University/Theology/108 Weaknesses

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(One copy each was sent directly to the Office of the Executor and the Deans' Offices. Only the elders of Dwilight University have actual copies of this. Anyone else with this information, unless proven to have come from disclosed versions from the Executor or Deans, should not be trusted.)


The Nine, the Trinity of Trinities, of Human Values

The Trinity of Moral Human Values

1. The Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

2. Respect for Autonomy

All humans are different. What is good for one man cannot be said to be good for another. Each person is born with the ability to act independently, to think for himself. Abrogation of this natural right by any individual or group is an affront to the Golden Rule. In the case of Sanguis Astroism, the Prophet might be infallible in his teachings, and he might have the power to tell a follower what is the correct way to beleive. No one else may claim any semblance of that authority, but the motions of several members has shown that there is an "acceptable norm" that they wish to be seen followed, a norm the Prophet does not even endorse.

3. Equality

"All men are born equal", but equal in what aspects? In terms of the Church, everyone is born with the ability to resonate with the Bloodstars. All are equal in their values to the faith, even if they have different tendencies and affinities. Who is to say that his or her belief is more true than anyone elses? Only the Prophet is said to be infallible in his teachings, but from all else, there is no perfection.

The Trinity of Practical Human Values

4. Academic Curiosity

The Church has allowed widespread burning of books that might have academic value. These books were purported to be copies of the Excellence Treatise written by Garret Artemesia. The Excellence Treatise was deemed "dangerous" and "borderline heretical", but was never formally banned. The members of the Church, Anabellium West, Brance Indirik, Aram Stien, among others, took it upon themselves to order systematic destruction of books that might or might not have had anything to do with the actual text that was deemed "dangerous". They acted according to what they believed to be the text, and destroyed items of knowledge.

5. Progress

Human progress requires knowledge. Knowledge is recorded in many forms, among them, writing. Books hold knowledge. Some knowledge can be called "wrong", but in knowing what is "wrong", we can avoid it, and have one less pitfall in our pursuit of what is "correct". To destroy what one believes is "wrong" sets all human cultures backwards, as there will no longer be testament for future generations on what exactly is "wrong". In destroying works that might have dealt with Sanguis Astroism, the Church is hindering its own progress.

6. Tolerance

No two people are entirely identical. No two people will have the same experiences, and hold the same knowledge. To dismiss another's contributions is to violate the entire Trinity of Moral Human Values. Intolerance results from fear, and fear hinders progress and freedom. The attitudes of Church members against individuals who do not completely conform to the Prophet's teachings is frightening. For trying to determine what the Church actually wanted from him, Garret was made into a scapegoat, and accused as a liar. It is said that once people stop listening, they can no longer gain wisdom.

The Trinity of Human Freedoms

7. Freedom to be Free

We are nobles shackled not by any master. We are our own individuals, able to think and to act for ourselves. If we are to have any freedoms as individuals, we do not encroach upon the freedoms of others. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

8. Freedom to Choose

Autonomy: Self-rule. An individual can choose for himself what he believes best for his being. No others have dominion over him. This is the freedom that ties to Respect for Autonomy.

9. Freedom to Life

We are born, an given life. To live is to let live, for otherwise would be a breach of the Trinity of Moral Human Values. The one who seeks to kill another should not think it unfair that his life be taken instead. Live, as humans.