York Journal/Issue 27

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MinasIthilFlag2.png The York Journal

Previous Month

Cost: 1 silver June 09 Editor(s): Roxas Sypher
News Articles
News Briefs

June 26th - King Magnus of Caergoth no longer holds the throne. He died under mysterious circumstances.
June 24rd - Carelia has taken control of Hegado , a former rogue region.
June 23rd - The people of Shiverwood have revolted and declared independence from Norland.
June 20th - The people of Hegado have revolted and declared independence from Carelia.
June 16th - Caergoth has taken control of Yacon , a former rogue region.
June 15th - The people of Hegado have revolted and abandoned Carelia, joining Tara instead.
June 10th - Norland has taken control of Hernepoole , a former rogue region.
June 9th - Caergoth and Tara attack and battle Minas Ithil forces in Lothruin.
June 8th - The people of Lerss have revolted and declared independence from Caergoth.
The people of Belegmon have revolted and abandoned Coria, joining Eston instead.
June 7th - The people of Ashmoor have revolted and declared independence from Norland.
June 6th - The people of Yacon have revolted and declared independence from Caergoth.
June 3rd - The people of Belegmon have revolted and abandoned Cagilan Empire, joining Eston instead.
Carelia has taken control of Ser'quea.
June 2nd - Caergoth has taken control of Lerss.

By Roxas Sypher New realm formed June 4th

The Republic of Coria has been founded in Barad Falas. The regions of Beleriel, Nazia, and Galadia joined the young realm. Lady Renee Quasath is the first Head Magistrate of the realm.

With the creation of Coria there are three realms with their capitals surrounding the Silver Lake.

By Roxas Sypher Caergoth threatens Minas Ithil June 3th

King Magnus Crownguard of Caergoth, a follower of the Way of the Hammer, has demanded the destruction of the temple of Magna Serpaensism in Minas Ithil. Magna Serpaensism has many followers within Minas Ithil, though the Way of the Warrior Saints has been spreading across parts of the realm. The Way of the Hammer has some believers within Minas Ithil but represent a small minority in comparision to the other faiths.

Followers of Magna Serpaensism and the Way of the Hammer have been in conflict for some time. Recently believers of The Way of the Hammer violently attacked believers of Magna Serpaensism in Mansbridge.

Minas Ithil has no state religion and its nobility have the freedom to practice their faith. Queen Katherine has invited the nobility of Minas Ithil to comment on King Magnus's demand.