Adorned Chain Mail of Strength

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Revision as of 16:54, 15 May 2009 by Fury (talk | contribs)
Type Armour
Discovered By Cerebus Arc
Discovery Date 10 June 2008
Discovery Location Cagil, Atamara
Abilities Prestige +6
Current Owner Celestial Fury

An item that has been discovered twice on Atamara.

First Discovery

Item found by the Freeman Cerebus Arc on 6/10/08 on the continent of Atamara in the region of Cagil.

After hours of wandering the dark streets and catacombs of Cagil, Cerebus stumbled upon a small army of monsters. In the middle of the group, a champion stood, stronger, smarter, more evil than the rest. Cerebus fought with strength and zeal, striking the monsters down with limb severing, flesh searing blows. Their champion put up a hard fight, but finally he was bested and lay dead in his own pool of blood. On the champion's body was a shiny, strong armor. Cerebus removed it from the monster's possession and held it high into the sun to look at it, the legendary Adorned Chain Mail of Strength.

Second Discovery

Over time, the armour was lost and subsequently rediscovered by Divine Fury, intrepid explorer and adventurer extraodinaire - the bane of monsters and undead everywhere, in the very same region of Cagil. It may well be that the armour has an unknown affinity to the capitol of the Cagilan Empire. In the hands (more precisely on the body) of Sir Celestial Fury, the power of the "Adorned Chain Mail of Strength" has flourished and nourished its user. It may also be that part of the affinity that exudes from the armour has transferred itself to the bearer of the armour. Some speculate that items of such nature do not affix themselves to places or persons lightly - and thus there must be more than meets the eye of the current bearer.